Thursday, May 09, 2019

Thankful Thursday: Star!

I've mentioned a neighborhood cat that I called 'Harlequin' a few times:

Well, I met her owner, and her name is:
He stepped outside when he noticed that I was sitting on his sidewalk, playing with his cat!
I thanked him for allowing me to interact with Star, and he seemed fairly amused.

You'll notice, she's very intent on something across the street.

A one-eyed ginger kitty, wearing a collar!

I've never seen this cat before, and Star's human said that these two cats do this stare standoff every day.  I tried to entice ginger kitty to come up to me, but it was a no-go.

So, I've discovered one hood cat's name, but now I have another to track down!
I'll call him 'Blinky' for now...

Let's Hop!

Click here to join the hop!



  1. Star is such a cutie and so is the orange one! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Keeping my paws crossed Blinky will work up the courage to come meet you in purrson one day.

  3. When I used to walk in the park there was a kitty that showed up often. Always wanted a tummy rub. Never met the owner, but that was a friendly cat.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  4. So guess, they are waiting for someone to make the first move. Maybe they will become friends. You all have a good day.

  5. I love these stories of your neighborhood cat interactions.

  6. Star is a very good name for that gorgeous kit-kat
    I agree about white water rafting. My hubby always wanted to do it but not me. Kinda funny too because he is not really a swimmer. LOL
    Hugs cecilia

  7. wavez two ewe both frum all oh uz heer in de land oh fish !!! sum timez we like ta stare down de food gurl.....guezz who winz ! :) ☺☺♥♥

  8. Star!!!! My daughter is considering a female cat who need rehoming!

  9. #1 says the story reminds her of her father who used to play with a neighobur cat for a long time, and finally learned he was called Oliver!

    The Chans

  10. Well, at least Star and "Blinky" are just staring and not fighting.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Nice that they are seeming to be starting to get along!

  13. They are both cute. I hope the orange guy has a home.

  14. You meet the best cats on your walks - these are gorgeous!

  15. Did you call the other one Blinky because he lost the stare standoff?

  16. We like Blinky watching from the bush. They are both really cute. Thanks for sharing with us

  17. I'm surprised so many people let their cats outside. One can never have too many kitty friends ... whether they interact or not. There was a five year period when a black tiny cat came around and would sit outside and stare at Bear for hours - and he'd howl and caterwaul. Every morning ... 5am!!! Oh, yes. Fun times.

  18. Oh, Star is beautifuls! Binky is pretty cool too! I tried to meet a kitteh the other day, butts Ma said no....:(
    Ruby ♥

  19. What a lot of neighbourhood cats you have. It sounds like your neighbourhood is very feline friendly.

  20. Always nice to make new friends, isn't it? Glad Star's owner didn't mind your visiting with Star.

  21. Meeting new cats is always fun (for humans). Purrsonally, they scare me!

  22. Always fun when humans find out what we're up to! - Tom x

  23. Well, at least her human seems to care 'bout her on some level. He was tryin' to make sure you didn't run off with her. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  24. Star is really handsome cat! And you have amazing neighbors!!


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