Wednesday, July 06, 2022


It's Sweetnesday!

While Sweetie has plenty of space to roam in, she pretty much limits herself to a couple of locations.

She does NOT jump up onto my desk, so I can keep it as messy as I want.
Favorite Place #1: her special beddy area on top of our bed.
Favorite Place #2: between the water bowl, the kibble bowl, and the food bowl (out of frame).
And another smiley face, this one with eyebrows, or fringe/bangs?
Could be a beard, or a smile?


  1. Sweetie is right where she is in easy reach of all the comforts. I love seeing her own special beddie too. Katie has hers on the bed too for when she isn't on me!

    1. Sweetie spends a fair amount of time on top of me too!

  2. Sweetie looks so happy.Glad that she is living the good life now. That's why she leaves you smiles ;)
    Purrs, Julie

    1. Julie, I hope so; she took to being inside, after over 10 years outside, in a very short time. While I feel sad that she was out there for all of those years, I know that I treated her well then, and now. Plus, she's my snuggle kitty, even with those murder mitts...;-)

  3. I always love seeing her and her food bowl too. Always leaves wonderful messages.

    Have a purrfect day, Sweetie. My best to your siblings and your mom. ♥

  4. How nice that Sweetie leaves smiles, she sure makes us smile!

  5. I love that Sweetie leaves you smiley faces. :)

  6. It is nice of Sweetie to leave you smiles!

  7. My very-oldster is similar. Minuet can go anywhere in the apartment; I'm sure she knows it; the other cats will stay out of her way, but except for the odd excursion, she stays in the library. But Sweetie is happy in her little world, as I hope Min is in hers.

    1. I see a lot of similarities between Madame Minuet and Tough-as-nails Sweetie. I feel so glad that she's taken to being an inside-only kitty.

  8. Sweetie ROCKS! (And so do you!) Sending Purrs Marv

  9. She's living the good life, that's for sure!


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