Thursday, July 14, 2022


 Our gardens are attracting bees!

Butterfly Weed, with friend.
Milkweed, with bumblebee.
Bee Balm...without bees for now.

Am learning more about the native plants that we've put into our gardens, and delight when we have visitors.

🐝Is this cool or what?!?🐝

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  1. That's nice your plants are working out as you had hoped.

  2. After several years of decline we have had an abundance of bees for the last two years, particularly the large bumble bees.

  3. You can sure tell where the saying busy as a bee came from. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. So good that you are planting bee friendly plants.
    It's the bees that will save our planet!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. It's so important to plant things that made the native critters happy. Very beautiful too.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  6. Beautiful! What a wonderful thing to have, your own little natural environment that is good for bees! Right now, our bees are more interested in sucking water out of anything they can find than pollen - it is so hot and dry here.

  7. Its fun to watch all the pollinators come for a feast.

  8. Oh this made me so happy. For you, but for the bees. THANK you for caring

  9. Great native plants. My yard is alive with bees of all kinds.

    My orange milkweed has bloomed. As has my bee balm. So far all the little pollinators are loving it

  10. We have all those too. We have tried to grow a butterfly bush many times and those never make it.

  11. The buzz of bees in the background is the soundtrack of a sunny, warm summer afternoon.

  12. Pollinators are going crazy here, and such a joy to behold. Good on you for planting milkweed and butterfly weed. What a stupid name for the latter, right? I'm happy to have rescued a volunteer butterfly weed from a gravel bed. It's surprising that my breaking off the taproot didn't kill the little thing. :)


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....