Saturday, July 30, 2022

In The Frame

It's Caturday!

PO'Marathon: Day 6

I played around in Lunapic, and cooked up this image.

Click in the photo to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!


  1. That is nice art. It looks like PO'M is looking to see what you are doing. Norton blocked Lunapic on Thursday when I wanted to do my art. I just checked and it is okay again now. Phew!

  2. Efurryone is gonna be green with envy when they see your portrait, not once, but twice in the same frame. It's a coincidence because I did something similar today, too. Good work, great concept.

  3. That's a pic worth keeping on your phone!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Very handsome! Love the spotlight on the nose!

  5. I LOVE the colors! What a great shot of POM and I LOVED the puzzle. It was a ton of fun!

  6. Very nice art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  7. I've learned that I needed to use the Mozilla Firefox browser instead of Brave for puzzles. I look forward to assembling this lovely image.

    Be well!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....