Thursday, November 17, 2022

Van Gogh in America

Am beyond thankful for a chance to visit The Detroit Institute of Arts, to enjoy the Van Gogh in America exhibition!

For more information, click HERE.

And just so you know, Vincent Van Gogh did NOT include cats in his artwork...except I found one!!!!
"Daubigny's Garden", 1890
Look at the cat in the bottom left!
Close up!
Here's a few highlights:
Madame Joseph-Michel Ginoux, 1888-89
Roses, 1890
Sharry Night over the Rhone, 1888
Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home!
Thanks to my sister and niece, who were able to wrestle me from the gift shop before I spent any money!


  1. Glad you enjoyed the exhibition. If there is a cat to be found you can be guaranteed to find it!

  2. We don't know much about Van Gogh, but how nice you found a cat.

  3. How wonderful. #1 says that Starry Night is one of her ll-time favourite paintings!

    The Chans

  4. I would have loved to go see that. Beautiful and with a cat too.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  5. I just love Van Gogh! You found a cat in his work - pawsome!

  6. That exhibit was up in NC at the Biltmore Estate but we're not able to make it. I've heard it's wonderful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Glad you found one with a cat. :)

  8. Love Van Gogh and have seen some of his work at the DIA.

  9. Despite the cat in the first picture, I do prefer the Starry Night...

  10. How pawsome that you got to see that exhibit!
    Yay for there being a cool cat pic too!!
    Purrs, Julie

  11. Good eye!! Of course you'd find the only cat.

  12. GASP! Mom so wishes that you were NOT half a continent away! Thanks so very much for sharing, you made her day (Sunday, she is late in helping us)!


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