Thursday, June 01, 2023

Wee Cheetie

Diana Gabaldon's book "Outlander" was first published on 1 June, 1991.

A world-wide phenomenon since then, the Outlander book series, TV series, and the resulting sales of t-shirts, tartans, fan tours of Scotland and North Carolina, are a big deal.

1 June is World Outlander Day.

For some of us, it's all about the wee cheetie, Adso.
Adso with his mom, Claire Fraser, played by Caitriona Balfe.
Adso with his dad, Jamie Fraser, played by Sam Heughan.
Okay,, there are handsome lads in uniforms, tricorns, and kilts too!
Adso is found alone in the North Carolina woods by Jamie, who gifts the kitten to his wife, in Book 5 of the series, "The Fiery Cross".

Adso appears in every book after that, and he's quite the character, as befitting any feline with time-traveling humans as companions.

Am thankful to my bff JB, who introduce this author and series to me; let's blame it all on her, shall we?

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  1. We have never watched Outlander. It might be time to start!!!

    The Chans

    1. I recommend the books FIRST; the show is fantastic but the books are definitely better.

  2. Adso is mighty cute!!!!!!!!
    Mum also has not read the books or watched the shows. She is more Wheel of Time and Dragonlance books (though that was a long time ago ;) )
    Purrs, Julie

    1. I'm currently working my way through the Court of Thorns & Roses series, which seems similar to Wheel of Time, from the blurb. Outlander is fun because the author mixes sci-fi with real honest to goodness history, even when the history is war. I say listen to an audiobook from the library; if you aren't grooving on it, just return it.

  3. Replies
    1. With no children around; it's very ADULT for violence, nudity, and swearing, hospitals, etc.

  4. He is so cute! They both are actually! Time to start reading the books I think.

    1. My friend recommended it to me many years ago, but I wasn't in the mood. Found the series while playing with my library's phone app, and took a chance on an audiobook. HOOKED!

  5. WOW, that's one powerful cutie and I'll bet the series is really good. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. If he offered to let me stick my head up his kilt I wouldn't say no.

  7. Aww, what a cutie. I watched a bit of the show, but I don't think I made it to the cat.

  8. I'm not interested in the series, but that cat...


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