01 October, 2023

Drink Joe☕️

1 October is International Coffee Day.
29 September is National Coffee Day in the U.S. 

Grab a mug of your favorite java, and enjoy!
The Hubby loves his coffee as hot as lava, and as black as sin.

Every time I take a sip from his cup, I cannot help but make a face...eww!


Goes to show, if we were all the same, how boring life would be!


  1. I love coffee and have never been able to drink tea. My hubby drinks coffee the same way as yours Yuk! I need a drop of milk in mine but still like it strong.

  2. Two cups a.m. a must! No cream, no sugar, straight up and hot. Hazelnut flavor accepted ...

  3. How did We NOT know there is such a thing as International Coffee Day???

  4. Oh, we love us some coffee, too. Happy International Coffee Day!

  5. As an inveterate tea drinker, I have never been able to understand the addiction to coffee that so many suffer from!

    #1 at The Poupounette

  6. I only drank coffee regularly during my last employment for some reason; I guess because it was free. lol I had to save that image of kitties in cups. Squee! Thank you for sharing.

  7. I like the smell of coffee percolating but not the taste. I feel the same way about onions frying...

  8. Coffee?? Here I come!! I like tea as well...I guess I am bipartisan about those beverages, LOL!

  9. I always figured people who don't drink coffee just die around 2pm every day.

    Your hubby is a coffee drinker after my own heart, although I always say I drink it as hot as the bayou in August and black as the swamp mud. We south Louisiana swamp dwellers like our coffee strong.

    Yes, we need to all be a little different, it gives spice to life.

  10. Hard to believe but I gave up coffee when I retired. I used to have 40+ cups each day and my Doc wasn't too happy. But he retired too!

  11. I can’t start my day without a cuppa Joe.

  12. I love coffee, but it must have milk or cream in it.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....