30 October, 2023

The Devil You Know

Where I grew up in the suburbs of Metro Detroit, Michigan, the night before Halloween was named Devil's Night, and sometimes toilet paper was tossed into trees, words written in soap were scrawled on windows, and maybe an egg or two were tossed.

For us, Devil's Night was mostly harmless, being a way for kids to burn off a bit of energy.  

However, some locations were seriously vandalized or ignited, and that just cannot be tolerated.

Nowadays, this practise is seriously frowned upon, and may even be illegal, and many local communities have volunteer patrols to keep properties from such damage.

A few devil jokes today, for your entertainment:
And in honor of Bat Week 24/10 to 31/10:
"Batmobile" by Maggie Vandewalle
Click on the image above to visit her Etsy site.


  1. That prescription one mad dad chuckle and the noise kinda startled me!

  2. Devil's Night always makes me think of "The Crow", still one of my favorite movies. But the real life damage... ugh. Thank you for the giggles. You brightened a dreary day.

  3. You made me chuckle more than once. Good ones.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to you. ♥

  4. The prescription made me laugh too! They are all funny.

  5. The comic made me laugh. My orange cats are little devils.

  6. Our orange cat is so laid back he's almost silly. He'd be assigned as a court jester.

    Thanks for the grins!

  7. Once someone takes it too far it spolls the fun for everyone

  8. Orange cats: I love them, but yes, little demons...

  9. Orange cats: I love them but yes, little demons...


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....