Tuesday, May 21, 2024

*slurp* πŸ«–

 21 May is designated International Tea Day by The United Nations

Honouring women around the world, from crop to cup

"This year, International Tea Day highlights women and their role in the tea sector.

It is also an opportunity to celebrate the cultural heritage, health benefits and economic importance of tea, while working to make its production sustainable “from field to cup” ensuring its benefits for people, cultures and the environment continue for generations." - United Nations



  1. I'm getting ready to drink my morning cup of green tea as I read this. I will celebrate today with a second cup later.

  2. eye couldna get me commint ta post on yesterdayz storree
    sew eye will try heer‼️ beez total lee rock and
    …..they N joy..cat mint 😺🌱🐝🐝

  3. Nice! I think I'll have a cup of tea today.

  4. I've never cared for tea. I love coffee, but tea escapes me.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties. Hugs. ♥

  5. I enjoy tea, have it handy and never remember to drink it.

  6. I just finished some tea a bit ago. It's so good.

  7. I grew up drinking Japanese tea, but have also come to enjoy other tea varieties. Happy International Tea Day!


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