10 May, 2024


Stuff seen in my 'hood:
The world's biggest spent whisker; glad I haven't run into this kitty!
Doggo sculpture...
...and it's matching cat sculpture.
Star hanging out atop a van.
Proof that Henry is using The Cat Hotel!
Thankfully, we haven't experienced wild weather, as has other parts of the US has; only plenty of rain, sun, and temperatures fluctuating down and up, up and down.

As I continue to work from home, I tie up my chuggin' shoes and get out for a walk twice a day.

Unafraid to carry an umbrella, to wear a floppy sun hat, or to wrap my face in a scarf.

And I always have my phone with me, ready to snap a pic of anything that strikes my fancy.


  1. WOW what great pics and oh, boy that Star is a star and if that's a whisker, I'm outta there....And how can I comment as LOULOU instead of Anonymous????????Ihave to fill in info each time. Maybe Brianshome has the secret....

  2. That black and white kitty is APT to get driven away,lol. I'm with you on the weather here in Northern Ohio. I am glad to say that our Blackberry Winter this weekend is not the normal with frozen bird baths for a change. But it certainly not pleasant.

  3. Love that statuary, and my word, if we ran into that monster cat I'd ____ my pants!

  4. Oh, the weather today on Pieter's Memorial Service is awful. Thunder and heavy rain with Tornado warnigns...
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. You never fail to find the most interesting things all 'round your neighborhood ...

  6. wavez two ewe henry! hope ewe get free wi fi
    in yur room…and star….HELLO UP THER 😺🐟‼️

  7. Such interesting sights! I'm really glad to see Henry in his safe house!

  8. MOL, that would be one big cat with that whisker.

  9. I hope Star doesn't go for a ride on that van.

  10. It's good to see Henry in the cat-hotel. He knows where he can go for shelter, warmth and a dry bed.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....