08 May, 2024

Tail Tales

It's Sweetnesday!

Swee Wee's tailio is short, like she is.

However, she manages it like a fine accessory that adorns her demure but classic black outfit.
Draped over the edge of The Sweetie Spa.
Straight out!
With a genteel curve.
Sweetie is doing well with her meds, and I've become a dab hand at presenting her gushy stinky food just the way she likes it: as thick soup!

Now that we are feeding four cats, it's easy to crack open two cans of food, mix the batch in one bowl, then distribute even portions all 'round.

Sweetie's portion, however, is doled out over time; she doesn't like a big bowlful anymore; rather, as she eats until one can see the bottom of the bowl, I 'replace' a few spoonfuls and 'fluff' it all up, as if it's a brand new meal.

She's eating, drinking water, using her litterpan, and waking me early almost every morning now, which are all good things.

❤️ Love her to bits ❤️


  1. Dearest Eastside Cats,
    What a lovely treatment Sweetie gets and that's why she is enjoying her life and doing well.
    Hard to imagine how all kitties without devoting parents get by...
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Sweetie is enjoying the sweeter side of life with hand dipped food. She looks good in her beds with her little tail.

  3. I'm glad Sweetie is doing well. She has a wonderful mom to care for her and that's the very best.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Katie has me totally well trained in presentation and consistency.

  6. Awww...she looks so sweet in that bed.

  7. Such a beauty. I am glad she is doing well. XO

  8. You're so wonderful at caring for your pets. Hugs, my dear, and thanks for the good news.

  9. You are a cutie Sweetie and I'm so happy you are doing so well.

  10. We love Sweetie, too, and are super happy she's doing well! XO

  11. That's wonderful news! I learned to feed the older ones a tsp to a tbsp at a time, more than that seems overwhelming and sometimes seemed to cause momentary reflux or nausea. The extra water is always good. You can make it really exciting and add a little nutrition with some homemade chicken or turkey stock--or tuna water. I enjoy feeding Mimi her little feedings through the day too.

  12. The oldster here gets food at meal-times and whenever he wants. And I push it around a bit, too, to make it seem like a fresh helping.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....