02 May, 2024

Feeling Ducky

 Yesterday, while on my 'hood walk, a male Mallard Duck greeted me as a strode past.

Of course, I stopped immediately, and cooed at Mr. Duck.

My neighbor, seeing my conversation, told me that Mr. and Mrs. Duck had been visiting her yard for years, and she'd filled a blow-up kiddie pool with water for the pair to enjoy.

Not my image; found online.
Now that's my type of neighbor, who gives a handout...or a pool...to wildlife.

Wished I'd snapped a photo, and will probably go back to visit Mr. and Mrs. Duck someday soon.

Thankful for all who understand that humans aren't the only beings that need succor on This Earth.

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  1. I had two mallards long ago. I found the eggs in a nest with a dead adult next to it. I put the eggs under a broody hen and in due course they hatched. We had them for several years until Mrs Mallard was taken by a fox. Mr. stayed around for a few months before flying off, presumably to find a partner.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How thoughtful of the neighbor to provide for Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. Sorry about that deleted comment. Dad put in a bad word and hit "Publish" before he meant to. I told him he needed to tone it down before publishing. He's in a mood...

  4. I walk by a small pond, and I do mean small, here at home where a pair of mallards return every year. I do not know if they are ever successful raising their young. You know the problems, coons, possums, skunks and all the neighbors outside cats. But I love seeing them return. I know spring has sprung.

  5. That does sound like a nice neighbor.

  6. It must be nice to be a duck with your own pond.

  7. You really made my day with you and your neighbor's generous natures. Best wishes, my dear.

  8. That is very sweet, such a nice person! Howdy sweet ducky! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Visiting the pool might be like a holiday for the pair...

  10. Three Chatty CatsMay 3, 2024 at 9:41 AM

    Sometimes, although rarely, I will see ducks in the community pool here.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....