Friday, October 25, 2024


Aww, you guessed it!

Henry is INSIDE.

We trapped him last week, and have worked to make him comfortable in the area once called Angel's Apartment, then Sweetie's Apartment, now it all belongs to Henry.
Henry had his first veterinarian visit yesterday.

Catching him was not easy; he went full wildcat.

Once he'd cornered himself, The Hubby (in heavy gloves) pushed him into the open carrier, and zipped the door closed.

At the vet's office, it was clear that he was much too anxious, so we opted to have him sedated for a good examination.

The News:
Henry is a male cat.*
Aged 5-7 years.*
Is FIV positive.
Is neutered, with the ear tip as additional evidence.
No microchip.
Weighs 9.7 lbs.

Next steps:
Dental in two weeks.
Work on his social skills with humans.
Henry will stay in his apartment.

We are determined to give Henry every advantage that a pampered housecat could have.

If possible, will introduce him to Da Boyz some day.

Welcome, Inside Cat Henry!


  1. Wow! This is news indeed! Well done. And Henry's a mancat, after all... I'm saddened by the FIV, but he couldn't be in better hands to live out his life in warmth and affection.

  2. OH, HENRY what a darling and he must have had a terrible scare in his little short years. So sad for kitties who are mistreated. You will work wonders we are SURE of that...can't wait until he meets da boyz. How can we automatically comment as we do on other blogs without having to use ANONYMOUS fill in???

  3. This is absolutely fantastic news for Henry. I hope he doesn't stay wild. And that eventually in a short time he learns that in the house is safe and warm and dry. I'm sure going to the vet didn't help but it has to be done. It's nice to know he was already neutered.

  4. Well done on trapping Henry. So he did have the correct name all along! He will have a much better life now.

  5. Oh, Henry! That is GREAT news!

  6. Hello, Henry! You've landed in a wonderful place!

  7. Dearest Vicky,
    Wow, so Henry is a boy! All your name guessing turned out to have been right.
    So happy that you captured him and slowly he will adjust to a life at home and eventually meeting da Boyz.
    Congrats on accomplishing this before the weather changes.
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. I am so happy for you and for Henry, he is about to be pampered and will feel safe and happy before you know it. Welcome home Henry!

  9. Awwwww Henry is such a handsome kitty, what a dude! And we're utterley thrilled that he found mew guys, what luck!!!! Happy Friday to mew all, and we hope your weekend is EPIC!!! 🐾🐾

  10. ahn-ree!!!! welcome to your chateau!!! yoo look sadz, pritty soon yoo will be all smiles!!!

  11. I am so happy for Henry and for you. I know he will have a wonderfl life. XO

  12. HENRY, you look so must have had plenty to eat from the area you lived in and of course from Eastside cat's home! You are so lucky to be there, I am happy as can be for you.

  13. Henry, you may not realize it yet, but you are going to have a much better life now!

  14. Henry is on the road to a good life now. As for the FIV positive, we've adopted out many such cats and they can lead normal, happy lives and not endanger the other cats in the house.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....