Sunday, January 05, 2025

Wild is Better

January 5 is National Bird Day

Birds are More Beautiful Wild.

The Avian Welfare Coalition’s National Bird Day campaign aims to reduce the suffering of birds by raising public awareness of the destructive bird trade, the realities of cruel bird breeding mills, and ways to improve the welfare of birds already in captivity.

Eastside Cats LURVs birds, and we are remaking our yard into a native plant zone, to invite all pollinators to enjoy themselves.
A pair of Northern Flickers, in our yard in 2020
White-Breasted Nuthatch, at Kensington Metropark, 2023
A family of Mallard Ducks, on the Clinton River near home, in late Summer 2024.
Do it for the birds!

Friday, January 03, 2025

Oh Yes Turn Your Radio On!

Hopefully-soon-to-be-formerly-feral Friday!

Starring: Handsome Henry
The Hubby decided that Henry's Apartment was too quiet, so he rousted an old radio from somewhere to leave on if I'm not at my desk.

Now I spend a few minutes every day turning that radio on or off.

Henry doesn't appear to have an opinion on the music and chatter, but The Hubby feels it's impawtant, so there you go.

It's a collaboration! ❤️


Thursday, January 02, 2025

I'm Staying Home

January 2 is World Introvert Day!
Yep, prefer to be a human cat bed with a book or five.

And a cup of tea.

 Let's Hop!