Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Eastside Lady Cats

We are so very thankful for Angel and Sweetie, without whom I'd be outnumbered by BOYS!  Angel is so soft and sweet, and Sweetie is petite and adorable!  Both of our lady cats are on the older side; we know Angel will be 14 human years in July, while Sweetie is probably 11 or 12, yet they are each so wonderful in their own ways.  We are grateful to have them in our lives.

Angel, chillaxin' as I left this morning!

Sweetie, enjoying the warmer temperatures yesterday evening
Our Lady Cats!

Let's Hop!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wowed Wednesday

A co-worker gifted this delightful drawing
of a tabby cat to me, found at a garage sale.
I love it!  Wow!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Door Mat

 Chili Bruce LURVs to lay by the door...any door!

To get into the kitchen,
CB just lays there, and get pushed by the door

At the front door...

...hanging out in the corner

Bathroom door...No Humans Allowed!
His new nickname: Door Mat

Sunday, May 27, 2018


The surgeon is pleased with my recovery process; he said that I can ditch the splint!  He wants at least another month of occupational therapy, then I revisit it all at the end of June.

Therefore, on a long weekend with very warm...dare I say HOT?...temperatures, I've been sweeping and straightening up, using both hands on the broom.  You see, running fans to cool us can cause all sorts of things to fly around!

Let's see if you can tell which floor I've been working on, shall we?

Exhibit A

Exhibit B
Too hard?  Well, how about some hints?

Hint A
Hint B
Seriously, I cannot get any more plain than this! 


Answer: Exhibit A and Hint A belong to Angel's Apartment, where the tumblefurs are white, or greyish.  Exhibit B and Hint B are from Da Boyz's Floor, and the image is one of four dustpans FULL of black tumblefurs.


Monday, May 28, 2018 is America's day to honor 
those who sacrificed their lives for our country.
My heart goes out their families and loved ones,
who carry pride and sorrow in their hearts.
We remember these fallen people,
on Memorial Day...and every day.


Friday, May 25, 2018

We Won! Cats Rule Litter Box Package

"Congratulations! You won a Cats Rule prize pack from The Conscious Cat!*
Please e-mail me your mailing address. The pack will come directly from Cats Rule.


We received the above email from The Conscious Cat in April, and the really cool stuff arrived right away!  Ingrid King was celebrating her 9th Anniversary, and had a tremendous giveaway.  We scored the Cats Rule package.

2-Layer EVA Litter Catcher Mat
Photo taken before any cats could photobomb

Shell Pad Splash & Crumb Catcher Mat - Blue
Photo Credit: Cats Rule

The Watering Hole Automatic Fresh Water Fountain - Fish
Photo Credit: Cats Rule

Charlie's Litter Box & Scoop - Blue Ice
Photo Credit: Cats Rule

Stand Up & Scoop Metal Extendable Litter Scoop
Photo Credit: Cats Rule

Seriously, is this great or what!?!  The Hubby was instantly drawn to the scoop, and at first he wanted to mount it on the wall, like it was an art piece.'s use it instead!  And the mat...whoa, does it collect the litter!  LOVE IT!  The blue of the litter box, mat and fountain are gorgeous; feels very fancy!

Thank you, Ingrid...Happy Anniversary...and to Cats Rule!  My apologies for not posting earlier.  Now, some of the photos of the Cats Rule products, with Da Boyz infiltrating every shot!

Notice the boxes kicked over at the top
Everything must the explored!
Better save this one for 'Tocktober!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Angel The Healer

Now, about my broken finger bones in my left hand!  On Friday, May 4, my surgeon removed the two pins that he'd placed.  They anchored my fractured #4 and #5 metacarpal bones to the #3 healthy bone, as stabilization.  He was pleased with my progress, gave me a prescription for occupational therapy, and this brace to wear ALL OF THE TIME, except in the shower.

I had to remove the brace
when going through airport security,
but at least those metal pins were gone!

I wear it religiously, and usually put my arm in a sling too.  Yep, I was a sight while gawking around England!

Therapy began last week.  At first, I was pretty sure it was a waste of time, but every new appointment gives me more flexibility, and strength.  And to tell the truth, it's really nice to have people who care, who ask questions, and want me to succeed.  They gave me this edema glove, because my palm still had too much swelling:

Someone suggested that I add lace...

Multiple times a day, I do my finger and wrist exercises, and visit the therapy office every other day on my lunch hour.  But WAIT!  I have some other healing therapy too...

Angel, purring on my injured hand!  Well now, I've got that going for me!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Trip Recap: Purchases

Trip Recap Posts:
The Travel

And last...but not least...a few images of some of the stuff that I purchased while in the UK.

There were seven scarves total; four have cats on them!

All scarves!
Left to right:
Polka dots
Hearts in black and white
Green cats
Blue cats
then white-on-white cats,
and teal and white cats!

Bright green!

Blue cats, on a soft grey background

White on white cats...

...and the same pattern, with a teal blue background

And this cute black cat box from the British Museum, purchased with the Egyptian cat head paperweight:



And greeting cards and postcards!  Are you kidding me?!?


Seriously, so gorgeous!

Wished I'd see this painting, but it wasn't on display


Beautiful watercolor image!

C'mon, it's this adorable?
I also purchased a sterling silver charm of the Tower Bridge, to add to my charm bracelet.  Someday, I'll post about every charm that's on there!

Thank you all for reading along with me; our trip to London and Bath was the trip of a lifetime!  Am lucky (!) to have broken my hand far enough in advance, so I was able to travel, and I cannot thank my sisters and nieces for assisting me with everything that I couldn't lift or grab.  My first trip on a double-decker bus was memorable; as I could only grab with my right hand, the bus taking off caused an impromptu pole dance!  After that, someone always stayed close enough to make sure I stayed on my feet, and I greatly appreciate everyone's tenderness and caring.

💖Love to Dana and Nicole, Maxine and Marian!💖
Thank you Randy, for the taxi service, Mom for allowing me to borrow 
some travel stuff,
And Big Smooches and Hugs to The Hubby, who held down
the fort for over a week!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Trip Recap: Bath and Avebury

Trip Recap Posts:
The Travel

Bath is a remarkable city; we took a train from London, which lasted less than 2 hours.  Bath is known for it's semi-circle buildings, of which the most famous is the Royal Crescent; architect Christopher Wren, who built many important UK buildings.  

The Circus, in Bath

Hot air ballooning is
a favorite pass time in Bath
We rented an apartment for the two days we were in Bath, with it's own garden and private entrance.  It had a full kitchen, a shower room, a full bathroom, and a lavatory just off the foyer.  All of the pleasures of home!
Our apartment, above the art gallery

This was our private garden
Of course, we made a tour of the Roman Bath, that has been carefully preserved.  The water is no longer healthy for humans, since bacteria has infiltrated the underground spring.  The Romans used the baths for business, pleasure, and felt it was necessary for healthy living.  The entire ancient complex is quite large, however much of it was built upon long ago.  

Ancient Roman Bath

Roman Statues

Notice how the walkway is suspended above
the old stones

On our last day in Bath, Sunday, one sister and niece attended a service at Bath Abbey, other sister and niece visited with friends (who recommended Bath as a destination and they were RIGHT!), so I nabbed a quick train to Swindon, then a short bus ride to Avebury Henge and Stone Circles.  Avebury is only upstaged by Stonehenge in the minds of the average person, but Avebury is accessible; you can touch the stones, walk the entire perimeter, and feel the power for the formations!  I took many photos, but you cannot grasp the size of the monoliths unless you are there.  I've included some images taken from an old travel brochure too, so you can get a sense of the scope.  Look, there is an entire village in the middle of it...that's one big, honking circle!

This grouping in the old guide...

...and my photo!
The couple standing in front give you a sense of size

Map of Avebury
Standing stone
From the guide

It was fantastic!

Many folks had tried to dissuade us from visiting Stonehenge, saying you only get to see the remaining stones (you know that many have disappeared or fallen over in the past thousand years?) from a walkway.  Seeing Stonehenge was important to me, being an archaeologist and historian, but wait...I can walk up and TOUCH the stones at Avebury?!?  'Nuff SAID!  And what a beautiful day I had; truly, one of the highlights of the entire trip for me.