The surgeon is pleased with my recovery process; he said that I can ditch the splint! He wants at least another month of occupational therapy, then I revisit it all at the end of June.
Therefore, on a long weekend with very warm...dare I say HOT?...temperatures, I've been sweeping and straightening up, using both hands on the broom. You see, running fans to cool us can cause all sorts of things to fly around!
Let's see if you can tell which floor I've been working on, shall we?
Exhibit A |
Exhibit B |
Too hard? Well, how about some hints?
Hint A |
Hint B |
Seriously, I cannot get any more plain than this!
Answer: Exhibit A and Hint A belong to Angel's Apartment, where the tumblefurs are white, or greyish. Exhibit B and Hint B are from Da Boyz's Floor, and the image is one of
four dustpans FULL of black tumblefurs.
Monday, May 28, 2018 is America's day to honor
those who sacrificed their lives for our country.
My heart goes out their families and loved ones,
who carry pride and sorrow in their hearts.
We remember these fallen people,
on Memorial Day...and every day.