Sunday, September 22, 2019

Eastside Cats 6th Blogoversary!

I made our first post on September 22, 2013:
Parking Lot Cat.

The first comment appeared on September 23, 2013, Nine Years, and it was an emoji!

By January 14, 2014, we had received three whole comments, for:
I kissed a cat...and I liked it!

And so it goes.

Before this blog, I emailed stories of our cat life out to friends and relatives, entitled "Crazy Lady With Cats".  My first tale was about "Ghost Cat", where I freaked myself out when discovering a silent, all white 'cat' on my deck.  It turned out to be a gift cement statue, but in the moonlight, it was spooky!

Here are photos that I took, but didn't include, in that first post:

Through the years, I've found a rich, loving community of blogging friends, from whom I've learned so much.  With the addition of Facebook, my cat world has expanded, and then the addition of Instagram and Twitter...the sky is the limit! 

I've loved your cat, dog, fish, etc. stories, and I've mourned deeply for your losses, and been joyous when new furry and finned family members have joined the ranks.

Thank you to The Hubby, for his support!
I credit my mother for her encouragement to write about our cats.

I give props to the cat mom at William's Kith and Kin, for hers was the first cat blog that I followed.

And to a couple whom I met many years ago, P&M, whom have shown me great friendship, and who have supported my 'Cat Kook' lifestyle from afar.

Thank you all!

My bloggy business cards!


  1. Awwww, your blog is very special and we wish you a Happy Blogoversary from all of us!

  2. Happy blogoversary ! We wish you many many more to come ! Purrs

  3. Happy Blogoversary, you crazy cat lady! :)

  4. Happy 6th blogoversary! May there be many, many more!

  5. Happy 6th anniversary. Truly remarkable. And congratulations for reaching out through other types of social media.

  6. It's your blogoversary, you say? HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! And may you have many, MANY more. PURRS

    PS. Any nip cake with nip icing on the go? purrs

  7. Happy anniversary. I chuckled over receiving three comments in several months. It does take a while for people to know one is there, blogging.

  8. Happy Blogaversary. I smiled pretty big about the lack of comments. When Admiral started in March 2009, no one saw or commented for months. I did get one comment several months later. I didn't know about the CB until one of the rare commenters said they had not seen the Admiral on it. Then I googled what is the CB and finally found my blog family out there waiting.

  9. Happy Blogoversary - and many more !

  10. Happy 6th Blogoversary! Here's to many more years of blogging. XO

  11. Happy 6th Blogoversary! This is such a fun blog, witty, informative and, of course, cat loving - we're so glad you started blogging! Thanks for being so supportive of a newbie over the last year.

  12. Happy blogoversary! It has been fun getting to know your kitty family (inside and out) and actually meeting you in person!

  13. Happy 6th blogaversary! We are so glad you started to share your cat adventures with all of us, and we're so glad you found us, too. We look forward to many more years!

  14. Happy Blogoversary! I just met you this year, or late last year, and I'm happy I did! Thanks for visiting me too.

  15. ... and Thank You .. for being there, being a fun blog to read, sweet cats to see, for sharing and caring and for being a wonderful part of this amazing pet community ... you are loved!

  16. Congratulations! We are delighted to have met and that you are still blogging in a world where so many have stopped!
    Happy Blogoversary!

    Tama and Genji

  17. Happy Blogoversary guys, and here's to many many more! XOX

  18. ♪♫Happy Blogoversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Blogoversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Blogoversary Dear Eastside Cats,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Blogoversary to you.♪♫

  19. sorry I missed this!! Happy Happy Blogoversary!!!

  20. Happy Blogoversary! I enjoy reading your blog - fun, informative, and encouraging! I love your bloggy business card :-)

  21. Happy Blogoversary! We love your blog! Many more years of great blogging!

  22. We love your blog and are so glad you share with us. The catg blogging community is really amazing and supportive and we are so glad you are in it and we consider you our friends

  23. Yay! A very big happy blogoversary! I'm glad that I found your blog!

  24. Aaaaaaaaaaw Happy Blogoversary. We're so glad to be your furiends. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....