Friday, January 31, 2020

Pet Photo Fails!

Umm...the top of Manny's head

Egads...Chili Bruce in a blurry mid-yawn

Chucky, who looks like he's in a few dimensions at once!

Can you guess whom this is?!?

Join the fun!
Click here to go to Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & Meows Blog!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


For the next seven weeks, we will leave Angel's upstairs apartment furnished with her favorite napping locales, her food and water bowls, and various toys and scratchers.

The Buddhist state of bardo, when the departed's soul is making it's transition from one plane to another, is what The Hubby and I observed with Chuck's passing, and are doing so for Angel.

Nothing much will be moved or changed, just what is needed so Manny and Chili Bruce won't knock everything over.

If Angel's spirit comes back to visit, she'll see that her things are as they were, and that we have not nor will not forget her.

"In the bardo state, your pet may still have some awareness of you, and perhaps other family members, irrespective of where you are physically. They can still be positively influenced by your practice of meditation and mantra recitation, particularly if you dedicate any virtue arising from the practice for their benefit. For seven weeks after the passing of your pet, you are still able to help them, and should do so to whatever extent you are able."

Read more about observing bardo by clicking below to visit author David Michie's blog post:

  • I still listen for her meow.
  • We turn on the lights in her apartment.
  • I swear I've heard the sound of her chewing kibble.
  • While taking a bath, I call "Nan-ja-la!" into the silence, as I did when she was with us.
  • Every day, I step into her apartment and ask if she likes my outfit.
  • Both of us pat the empty spot on the chair, where she spent so much time. 
  • 15 plus years; her absence leaves a gaping hole in the household.

Angel, showing a bit of attitude!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Instead of gargoyles, they are 'gar-boyles'
Manny at the front of the refrigerator, Chili Bruce in back

Yep, those are my blue-shoe clad feets in the background!
CB is left, Manny right
And let's have a jigsaw puzzle!

Have fun!


Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday O'Malley

Paddy claims me as his purrsonal platform when we spend time together.

This makes snapping photos of him difficult, therefore I use the selfie mode on my phone.

Truly, I do NOT want to image my face, but Mr. O'Malley is in charge...and I must do things his way.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

You All Are Amazing


Thank you all for your kindness.

We are overwhelmed, and are just beginning to fit into our new 'normal'.

While reminiscing about Angel, I found some favorite kitten images; hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Look at that old Mac!
The camera loved her black, white, and pink coloring.
Pensive Angel
Kind folks made memorial badges:

From Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs
From Zoolatry

Friday, January 24, 2020

She's Gone

July 18, 2004-January 24, 2020

Rest In Peace

She earned her heavenly wings this afternoon.

Angel, as she looked today
We tried all of the medications that the veterinarian suggested, but Angel never regained her appetite.

Her thin body wasn't trying anymore; we chose to release her spirit.

We are devastated.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thankful Thursday

I am beyond thankful today for my sister, MY.

This morning, I poured out my feelings about the swift changes in my life: job, car, Angel's health, and why winter is such a bummer!

She listened, counselled, and gave me a few "You've got this, girl!"


Also, there are tangible items to be grateful for, because we currently have the means to.

An original painting, purchased at a local store on my lunch break:

I mean, how the heck could I have passed this up?
Artist: Smykman Primitives

And, a sweatshirt with Pawfficer Donut's adorable image!

If you want to order for yourself, here's the link:
From the Troy Police Department's Facebook:
"Join Pawfficer Donut in supporting two great organizations that are making a difference in the community. All proceeds benefit Leuk's Landing and HAVEN of Oakland County."


Let's Hop!

Go to Brian's Home Blog for more information on today's blog hop!

Disclaimer: I purchased artwork and a hoodie for myself, and have not received any compensation for this post. 
I write about things that interest me, and that I believe will interest my readers, and I give my honest opinions.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wordless Wednesday


Let's Hop!


Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Sorry 'bout this, folks...but I did NOT run these images by The Hubby!

My best guesses are under each image.

Manny in back, CB with paw out in front
I'm 90% sure that I've got this right.
Sharing the double-wide scratcher
CB right, Manny left (?)
Synchronized napping
Manny right, CB left (?)
In real life, I can tell them apart...I swear it!

When I snap photos, I always tell myself, "Oh, I know who is whom", then a few days later, I cannot remember, and am sunk.

Guess I could fib, and tell you all that this one is Manny and that one is Chili Bruce, but I don't want to be that person.

Who is: Cannot tell which gorgeous housepanther is which in these images...


Monday, January 20, 2020

Monday O'Malley

Aww, The PO'M lets me smooch him!

He really doesn't like stepping on snow

Kitten-like profile

Inside the feeding station
Sweetie was being very shy...or else, she was moving fast to avoid being in the cold air!

And a sad Farewell to Angel Millie at 15andMeowing 

Angel Millie had a long talio!
Please visit 15andMeowing to leave a note of condolence.


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Late Update

Angel, at Saturday's vet visit
This morning, as she noms a little
An update!

Saturday's vet visit went much better than I'd dreamed of.

By adding an appetite stimulant and pain meds, the doc is sure Angel will eat more soon.

The snowstorm took my mind off of my concerns for Angel, then the wonderful staff at Cats Veterinary Hospital easily gave me instructions and loaded us up with needed items.

I left the office with wings on my heels, and my heart as light as air.

She isn't cured, but she will stay with us for awhile longer...YAY!


As for that storm, Paddy and Sweetie are fine!
The PO'M, using my lap as his look out
We received about 6 inches of snow...with huge drifts, and then it rained.

We shoveled the heavy, wet snow.

Overnight, the temperature dropped into the basement.

The photo above was taken at 5 pm today, when the windchill was in the single digits F.

Sweetie and The PO'M were happy to have dinner and fresh water, and I was delighted to pet them and give them love.

I'll share more photos tomorrow.


Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday Femcats

Sweetie's photo, using Prisma app
Original photo

We are expecting some nasty snow/sleet/rain Saturday, so my concern about Sweetie and The PO'M ratchet upward!  
Yes, they have a warm shelter, water, and food, but you know...
After this storm, the temperatures plummet for a few days.  
This is typical Michigan Winter weather, yet The 'O' Cats will always be on my mind.

Despite the storm, Angel has a veterinarian appointment Saturday morning.
She's stopped eating robustly, as she originally did when we first put her on her meds.
Keep your paws crossed that the vet has something up her sleeve, to encourage more nomming!


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday: Cat VideoFest 2020

May be coming to a theater near you!

I've already purchased tickets for the February 22 showing, at the Detroit Film Theater.

I am thankful that this event has been brought back, since the 2019 showing filled the house to capacity!  Read about it in my blog post here.


Let's Hop!

Click here to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Book Review: Mac Series

Book #1

Book #2

Book #3

Mac Series

Author: Melinda Metz
"Inspired by the true story of a kleptomaniac cat who stole his way into America’s heart..."

Talk to the Paw
Book #1
Published January 30th 2018
Kensington Publishing Corporation
Paperback, 281 pages
ISBN13: 9781496712165

The Secret LIfe Of Mac
Book #2
Published January 29th 2019
Kensington Publishing Corporation
Paperback, 278 pages
ISBN13: 9781496718990

Mac on a Hot Tin Roof
Book #3
Published November 26th 2019
Kensington Publishing Corporation
Paperback, 304 pages
ISBN13: 9781496719003

Mac, short for MacGyver, is not your typical tabby cat.  His person, Jamie, is lonely and downhearted.  Mac could smell her unhappiness.  After a move to a storybook community, Mac discovers David, who also smells lonely, and he decides the two will make purrfect packmates!  By sneaking into David's house and filching items of his clothing, Mac leaves his treasures on Jamie's doorstep.  Will this be enough to cause Jamie and David to find their way to each other?

Read the book to find out!

The following books pick up the story of the quaint community inhabitants, as Mac works his daring 'robbery' schemes into matchmaking adventures.  And he's pretty good at revealing any ne'er-do-wells who may wreck the tranquility of the tightly-knit complex.

Fun reads, not too much swearing, and a bit of smexy...
(And some kittens, in Book #3...)

I recommend this series.
I listened to each as an audiobook.


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Two-zday: National Dress Up Your Pet Day

CB in tie dye, Manny in green
Chili Bruce, hoping none of the outside squirrels can see his rad tie dye shirt...
Hahaha, they look so cute!

Thanks again to Trish & Scott for the shirts!

I am not one to put outfits on cats, but once in awhile doesn't hurt, does it?  These sweet shirts are soft and loose, so no cat was encumbered or damaged in any way.  This photo shoot lasted for five minutes, and I apologise for the busy background, but I had to work with what I could. 

Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday O'Malley

Metro Detroit suffered a rain-then-ice-then-snow-then-more-snow weather event this weekend.

The PO'M was hilarious, since he really didn't enjoy walking upon the rough, icy snow.

Yet, he was adorable nonetheless!

Isn't he delicious?
Tippy toeing to greet me!
"Enough with the camera; give me some love!"

P.S. Sorry 'bout the jigsaw puzzle from Saturday!
Click here.
Yes, I knew it would be a tough one, but I'll refrain from making them too hard in the future!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Caturday Art: Fur

The PO'M's tabby fur!
I used the Tokyo colors in Prisma.
I think this would be a challenging jigsaw puzzle, so here you go!

Rod Stewart, David Bowie, and Angel Prancie

Today is Rod Stewart's 75 Birthday!
This image, grabbed from the interwebs, was probably taken about 50 years ago...
A rare but excellent Rod Stewart tune...

I Ain't Superstitious

by The Jeff Beck Group
Songwriter: Willie Dixon

Ain't superstitious,
Black cat crossed my trail.
I ain't superstitious,
But a black cat crossed my trail.
Bad luck ain't got me so far,
And I won't let it stop me now.

The dogs begin to bark,
All over my neighborhood.
And that ain't all.
Dogs begin to bark,
All over my neighborhood.
This is a mean old world to live in,
And I can't face it all by myself, at all.

And, dogs begin to bark,
All over my neighborhood.
The dogs begin to bark,
All over my neighborhood.
I got a feelin' about the future,
And it ain't too good, I know that.

I know, I know, I know.

Ain't superstitious,
But black cat crossed my trail,
(I said it so many times before)
Ain't superstitious,
A black cat crossed my trail.
Bad luck ain't got me so far,
And you know I ain't gonna let it stop me now.

Come on.


January 8, was David Bowie's birthday.
Image grabbed from the interwebs
And let's celebrate DB from!
He's got eyes like the original David Bowie!
Isn't he just gorgeous?
Image use with permission

And, in case you hadn't heard,
Prancie from 15AndMeowing flew away to Heaven.

Prancie, enjoying the Halloween decorations!
Image from 15AndMeowing
Please leave a comment of condolence.
We all have the sads.
