Friday, February 28, 2020

Pet Photo Fails!

Chili Bruce's noggin...too up close!
Can you see Sneakers in the middle of the image?
Nice camera work...NOT!
Not only is Sweetie in the middle of a snack, but The PO'M has photobombed her too!
Join the fun and hop!

Celebrated on the last Friday of every month!
Go to Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & Meows by clicking here!


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Cat VideoFest 2020 Report

We are so thankful that the Detroit Film Theater has hosted the Cat VideoFest again!
The director actually held up the showing, since this was the first one for 2020,
and we all could tell that he's not really a catman, but he's all for filling up the seats!
1,000 people, and there were six showings in all.
Part of the money raised is donated to the Michigan Humane Society, which is where Manny and Chili Bruce came from.

Dig my crazy cat ears!
Next to me is Sue, from The Island Cats Blog

This image was from a video that made fun of cats at a psychiatrist's office!
There was a memorial for Lil Bub
A beautiful piano piece was played, and the human only had to move the cat's foot once!
Cuteness overload!
Big kitty was purring!
"An Engineer's Guide to Cats"
If you can find a showing in your area, I recommend that you go!
You'll laugh, say "awww" many times, and clap like crazy!
Go here for information: Cat Video Fest
We are hoping they will be adding international dates soon!


Let's Hop!

Thank you for hosting every week, Brian!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Cat Quote Incorrectly Attributed to Sigmund Freud

From the online article, "10 Quotes Wrongly Attributed to Sigmund Freud":

"When did Freud say: ‘Time spent with cats is never wasted’?

Although this quote is widely attributed to Freud on quotation websites, there is no evidence that he ever said it.

He did, however, write to his friend, Arnold Zweig: “I, as is well known, do not like cats."

Click here to go to the Freud Museum London article: 10 Quotes Wrongly Attributed to Sigmund Freud

Dr. Sigmund Freud: The Master of Psychoanalysis, 1856-1939
What an old fool he was!
The doc needed MORE cats in his life, so I gave him one...
Image grabbed from the interwebs.

Gratuitous image of The PO'M.
If Dr. Freud had known Paddy, he would have changed his tune about the glory of cats!


I have a snow day today...working from home, instead of driving 18 miles to the office.
All of the area schools are closed.

On the work agenda; napping with Manny and Chili Bruce!
And I'm in comfy clothes...


Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Da Boyz chase each other around the house, then climb up and commence the whapping!


Today is World Spay Day!

Image used with permission from
Look at Zarathustra (ginger cat) and DB (white cat) cute!

From the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association website here

"Launched in 1995, World Spay Day is an annual campaign that aims to encourage people to save animal lives by spaying and neutering companion animals and feral cats. World Spay Day itself is celebrated annually on the fourth Tuesday in February."

Here, in Pet Blogland, we are all already on board.
Yet, we can still influence others, by talking with neighbors, chatting up the people standing in line with you to get coffee, or while shopping for pet food at the store.

This is how I discuss my anti-declaw stance, as well as spay and neuter topics, and taking your pet to the vet instead of asking questions on social media!
(Note my grinding teeth...)

When will we have a political candidate who espouses free or low cost vet care to everyone?
If anyone shows up with that platform, no matter what party affiliation, they will get my full support!


Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday O'Malley

The temperatures were warm on Sunday!
I sat in the yard, listening to my audiobook.
Paddy has spring fever, I think...

I so love him!


Friday, February 21, 2020

Cat VideoFest 2020 feature in my local newspaper!

Link to the article: Felines, nothing more than felines

Image from C&G Newspapers

How cool is this!?!

The Cat VideoFest 2020, that I'll view tomorrow, has a write-up in my local newspaper!

Apparently, the response to last year's Cat VideoFest was so positive, that the Detroit Institute of Arts is happy to run the event again.

But, of course!

Image from Meowington's website

Last year, I wished that I had cat ears to wear, and vowed to get my own for this year.


Too much?!?  Hmm...nope!

A full report from Cat VideoFest 2020 will appear here next week; stay tuned!

Image form Cat VideoFest website

Disclaimer: I purchased from Meowington and Cat VideoFest 2020 for myself, and have not received any compensation for this post. 
I write about things that interest me, and that I believe will interest my readers, and I give my honest opinions.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

As Seen On The Road #2

Previous post: As Seen On The Road March 5, 2019

Snapped this image while on 14 Mile Road in Madison Heights, Michigan.

I am drawn to cat images, wherever I am.

And of course, there are tons of lions, tigers, and cheetah images everywhere.

This logistics firm's logo is probably is a stylized lion, jumping through a hoop.

Yet, the cat lover in me snapped to attention, while making my way to the office in The Cat Car II.

I hope that one day, no living lion, tiger, elephant, or any other creature has to endure training to entertain humans; it's cruel.


Monday, February 17, 2020

Friday, February 14, 2020


Hyvää ystävänåpäivää!
Happy Friends Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

To my family and friends, my fellow bloggers and their furry overlords...

All of our love!


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thankful Thursday

A day early...

Free image from Dreamstime website

February 14 is Library Lovers' Day!
I LURV the library!
Any library, but my own in Mount Clemens has my librarian friends who know that every book that I order is a cat book. 😽

Through the library, I check out books, audiobooks, movies on DVD, and music.

I check out items from all of the libraries in the county, and they are delivered to my home library for pick up.

I check out items from the ENTIRE STATE using MeL (Michigan eLibrary), and they are delivered to my home library for pick up.

I have an app on my iPhone, where I can check out library ebooks and audiobooks.

Truly, my life changed when I discovered library audiobooks, which I listen to during my daily commute.

So thankful for LIBRARIES!!!💓

Let's Hop!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Bill to Ban Declaw Surgery in Michigan to be Introduced!

"Urgent! State of Michigan Representative Nate Shannon will be introducing a bill this Thursday that would ban declawing surgery in Michigan, but he needs your help!

The more co-sponsors a bill has, the more likely it is to become law. Representatives can sign up to co-sponsor the bill TODAY (2/12).

Please call your representative TODAY and let them know that you and your organization would like them to cosponsor Rep. Shannon’s declaw ban. Please share with your Rep how you have seen the negative effects of declawing and would love to see it outlawed in Michigan."

Find your representative here:

Information from Michigan Pet Fund Alliance @

Paws Need Claws!

The Great State of Michigan is a hotbed of declawing, and we need it to STOP!

Reach out to:

for more information about ending this barbarous veterinary practise.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Chili Bruce, in light and shadow
Manny, in the same spot
Chili Bruce on watch
Manny, hanging from the catwalk
Such a silly boy!
Surprisingly, Da Boyz weren't cozied up together much while I was around to capture them in a photo or two.  When sprawled on the futon, I'd get one or the other napping on my legs, but not both.  The box on top of the stereo equipment, on top of the dresser, seems to hold a new fascination for both of them, but only one fits in at a time.


Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday O'Malley

We had sunshine yesterday...before another snowstorm.
However, the temperatures remain above the freezing point, so lots has already melted away.


Friday, February 07, 2020

Interview: Deanne Iovan, Ferndale Cat Rescue

Deanne in the middle

Let me introduce you to Deanne Iovan, the Executive Director of The Ferndale Cat Rescue.

The Catfe' Lounge is located at 821 Livernois, Ferndale, MI 48220

1. Tell us about your role as executive director of the Ferndale Cat Rescue, and your journey to that position.
I started as a volunteer in 2014 when the organization was in its infancy. I had been caring for my mother and working for a friend that owned a pet sitting business. She hired a lawyer through the Chamber of Commerce to help her with selling her business. He told her he wanted to start a cat rescue in Ferndale and asked her if she would help get it off the ground. Kristen Schmitt, Ben Long and Angela Fisher were the founders and first board members of FCS. Ben and Kristen are no longer part of the organization but Angela is now our board president. I worked closely with Angela in the beginning delivering cats and food and doing whatever needed done. I planned fundraisers at local businesses and helped facilitate adoptions. I didn’t know what I was doing but Angela was instrumental in guiding me. We still work closely together on budgeting and she supports my efforts as director. After opening the Catfe' Lounge in 2015, the board nominated me to become the director. I have been bumping into walls ever since!  Sometimes I succeed in knocking them down, but I also have a great team of dedicated cat lovers with incredible skills that help this organization succeed. By handling day to day operations, they allow me time to develop relationships in the community. 

2. What events are planned for 2020?
In March 2020 we will be celebrating our 4th annual Cat Cabaret fundraiser at The Rustbelt Market (In Ferndale, a collection of local artists in a retail space). It’s our biggest fundraiser with food, entertainment, an auction, and this year we will have kittens! In addition, we always have events at the Catfe including Bingo and birthday parties. This year I plan to add a monthly Mewvie Night and Cat Karaoke! So stay tuned to our Facebook calendar and don’t miss out.

3. What do you see as the biggest roadblock to our communities helping cats?
A few things…education and legislation. People in our communities desperately want to help animals, but they don’t always know how or don’t have the resources. The good news is that social media and the internet in general has tons of information if people have access. Our communities need to support small non-profits like FCS because we do the heavy lifting and forge lasting relationships with our supporters. We also operate on a tight budget and do not get municipal funding. We rely on volunteers and small donations to get a whole lotta work done. We are efficiency monsters! Animals can no longer be considered property. They are living, breathing, sentient beings that deserve protection and respect. 

4. How many cats own you, and did you grow up with cats?
I live with a grumpy old guy named Tomcat that I rescued outside of my work about 13 years ago. He was the first cat I trapped! He had worms, fleas, and ear mites; all the typical parasites of an outdoor critter. He was intact, so I got him medicated, neutered, and vaccinated, and he was my office cat for a few years until the business closed. Then he came to live with me at home, but unfortunately hated my other cats. Now he has his own room and food bowls and loves to have his face brushed daily.  I inherited Daisy with the home that I moved into in 2018. Her human couldn’t take her to her new condo because they don’t allow pets. I promised I would look after her, but I didn’t see her for the first 3 months I lived in the house; she hid in the basement rafters. Now she is my snuggle buddy. A true testament to the power of patience and fortitude. My third roommate is Pumpkin, a foster failure. He came to me as a poopy kitten and lived in my bathroom for 3 months. He had no control over his leaky bowels. Once he recovered he was adopted and returned twice to FCS. Finally I relented and told him he could stay with me. He is guardian of the Second Story, Protector of the Duvet and Licker of the Bathroom Faucet. He’s happy now and I’m relieved that he’s no longer bouncing from home to home.

I grew up with dogs, many that I found on the street and brought inside and begged my mom to keep. My mother was terribly allergic to cats. Probably dogs too but to a lesser degree. She tolerated this for many years, bless her heart. As an adult I acquired a stray kitten my father had been feeding at his glass shop. I named her Sabina and she lived to be 23! Once I discovered the covenant of cat companionship I never looked back. I still love dogs but I find cats enchanting. They challenge me in different ways. 


Thank you, Deanne, for taking time to let us get to know you and the Ferndale Cat Shelter!

You know that I'm a continuing supporter of Catfe' Lounge, and sing the praises of what you and all of the volunteers do for the cats in Metro Detroit.
Thank you all for your hard work!

At the Catfe' Lounge

Eastside Cats Blog previous posts about the Ferndale Catfe Lounge:

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am grateful for Rouge Make Up & Nail Studio, in Ferndale, Michigan

All natural products, and NO ANIMAL TESTING!

What does this have to do with cats, you ask?!?

Last week, while Nick was pampering me with a manicure, and D'Anna was taking care of her customer, the four of us began a 'We Love Cats!' conversation! 

This is when I boldly introduced myself, and handed out my Eastside Cats Blog business cards.

Lo and behold...the other patron who was being as pampered as I, is Deanna Iovan, the Executive Director of The Ferndale Cat Shelter!

Stop by tomorrow my interview with Deanna.  Doing great work, for CATS!

The Ferndale Cat Shelter supports
Michigan's Premier Cat Cafe: The Catfe' Lounge

Eastside Cats Blog previous posts about the Ferndale Catfe' Lounge:


Let's Hop!

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

What Are You Waiting For?

by Dr. Mel Newton

Here is a portion of the blog post:

"Here’s the thing. 

Most people wait too long. 

Concerned with cutting a life short unnecessarily, or guilt-wracked with should-of’s and could’ves, they hang on to their pet’s continued existence as proof that this is not a convenience euthanasia.

But, we need to remember that animal cares nothing for our intentions, or whether there is some small hope of a better future. An animal lives in the present. Any decision to prolong suffering should be because there is a significant hope that a life that can be well-lived on the other side of that suffering. 

So, let’s set aside the guilt, sadness, and all those other complicated human emotions that are important and real, but don’t matter to the animal in front of us. 

When is it time? 

Let me ask you another question. 

What are you waiting for?"

I read this post just before The Hubby and I decided that Angel had had enough.
And each one of us pet-loving humans is different, and must rely on our own circumstance to make this decision.

As much as my heart still aches with longing to hear Angel's meow again, setting her free was what we felt that we needed to do.

Read Dr. Newton's post; you'll gain insight, I know that you will!


Small Tales Blog published a lovely post about our Angel, read it here:

It made me cry, and that's a good thing!
