Friday, May 29, 2020


Captured more of the sunlight shining off the floor than of Sweetie.
Manny, tongue out but blurry.
Chili Bruce, out of focus and with weird slit eyes.
The PO'M is too blurry, and cut off on the edges.

Join the Hop!
Click here to go to Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & Meows!
And a jigsaw puzzle just for fun...

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Jackson on Smith Street

Months ago, I spied this wee baby peeking at me as I strolled by.

In time, his people introduced me to Jackson, who was found in a parking lot, taken to the vet, and adopted.

They are beyond in love with their housepanther, and as I walk by daily, I wave and yell, "Hello, Jackson!"

This kind couple have had other cats in their lives, but Jackson has been so friendly, adorable, and his addition to their family seemed almost pre-destined.

I am thankful to have been granted friendship to this remarkable family, and to their Jackson.

Once again, my neighborhood is so feline-friendly, and there I am...a bonafide cat the middle of such bounty.

Let's Hop!

Jigsaw Puzzle!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Playing with my earbuds...

Sweetie's behavior has changed since the temperatures went up, and the windows are open.

She meows, and goes from window to window.

All.  Night.  Long.

She jumps on the bed, and walks across my body, especially when I'm asleep.

I presume that she was happily settled down inside, until the open windows reminded her of life on her own terms, observing her own territory.

One step at a time; we'll figure it out.

You can see by the two videos that she is comfortable with me, and that's like bricks of gold bullion in the bank to me!

Enjoy today's jigsaw puzzle!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Catch Up

Our Monday O'Malley and Two-zday posts have run together!

The PO'M had a visitor yesterday:

Cheryl was delighted to have Paddy's love!
The PO'M is a bit of a tart...
but he knows a cat lover when he meets one!

A jigsaw puzzle of his belly fur...
It's not easy!
Da Boyz are enjoying Bird TV!

Yes, I know it's Manny!
Manny, chillin' like a villain
Yes, I know for sure that it's CB!
Chili is always on guard
And a jigsaw puzzle of Da Boyz in another cuddlefest!
This one is much easier than The PO'M's belly fur one above...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Tabby Fur

Want a sorta difficult jigsaw puzzle?

How 'bout The PO'M's tabby fur, up close?

Next time, I'll try for his tummy fur!

Saturday, May 23, 2020


As we plant more native Michigan/Midwest flowers, bushes, and milkweed, we are experiencing an increase in pollinators!

We have a long way to go yet, as I'd like to replace every inch of lawn.

Here are a few images of what's coming up:

Raindrops on clover


Wild Ginger bloom
They flower right at the base of the plant, on the ground!


Our bee house


Paddy O'Malley is backyard security!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

New Toy!

"What's dis?"

Yesterday was Sweet-nesday, however after I posted, Sweetie's new toy arrived!

It's delightful to watch Sweetie PLAY!

We have the same rollerball toy for Da Boyz, so I figured that Sweetie may enjoy one too.

Trust me, she's now learned how to bat that ball around, and around, and around!

I am beyond thankful that she appears to be settling in, and is content.


Let's Hop!

Click here to visit Brian's Home Blog!
While I'm working on my office laptop, I cannot make a jigsaw puzzle.

If I can do so later, I'll add one to this post!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Sweetie may be a housepanther, but she has white ticking all over!

It may look like dust, but really, she has fine white hairs everywhere!
Well...and some dust too...whatcha gonna do?
This image is from last autumn; you can see her ticking well here.
So, I made a jigsaw puzzle...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Quoth The Hubby:
"The black one is Manny, and the other black one is Chili Bruce"

As you can see, Manny thinks this spider plant is his personal salad bar!
Note brofur Chili Bruce watching from below.

They both get head smooches after I see them like this!
They look like shrimps in a mirror, but dig the entwining feets.
Synchronized napping, again.
Again, they cannot keep their feet to themselves!

Jigsaw Puzzle!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Farewell Raleigh and Cammie

John at I Have Three Cats blog lost two of his cats yesterday.

Please visit to leave words of comfort.


Friday, May 15, 2020

Yes, I have no banana

Manny denies all knowledge of how the banana ended up on the floor!
"Maybe it jumped, Mama!"
A likely story, my son!

And this just happened...

After a frightful amount of rain, we now have sunshine and warm temps!
The is the very first time Sweetie has had an open window to enjoy, since being brought inside.

The birds are everywhere, and the squirrels jump on the low roofline just out of camera shot.

And another jigsaw puzzle!