Thursday, September 30, 2021

Skinny Pete's Gourmet Catnip T-shirt

Is this da bomb or what?!?

 I am thankful for Skinny Pete's Gourmet Catnip!

Maybe not so much for the catnip, although all Eastside Cats love it.

No, I ADORE their wonderful clothing designs!

I picked up the t-shirt above from their booth at a recent art fair.

Below are two hoodies that I've purchased from Skinny Pete's: 

Fe-Lines design
Catsquatch design

I've featured Skinny Pete's Gourmet Catnip, and purchase from them, for my own use.
I only post about items that I think you all may enjoy, and receive no financial gain for myself.  

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


It's Sweetnesday!

Sweetie loves being warm, and she finds a sunny spot to nap in, even if the stripes from the blinds make a pattern on her fur...
 ...but if there isn't sunshine, she knows she can get warm by sleeping on me!

I am a human cat bed; do you think I should put that on my CV?


Tuesday, September 28, 2021


It's Twozday!

Manny and Chili Bruce are adapting to the changing weather.
Watching squirrels in the afternoon light.
Together on top of the old sewing machine.

Monday, September 27, 2021

6 Years Ago

My computer made this 9/27/15 video for me, as a memory.

It's a bit long, but watching Paddy O'Malley make a mess while slurping water is just more proof that he was a clown.

I hadn't noticed Sweetie's blink in her section of the video, when I'd made it all those years ago, but it made my heart go pitty-pat to see it. ❤️

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Remember Me Thursday

Too many pets die in shelters.
We are their voice.
We can influence others to adopt, and not shop.
There are plenty of moggies and purebred animals available!


Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Lola the Rescued Cat Blog!Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

We are thankful for the tireless work done by animal shelters, rescue groups, fosters, TNRers, and pet lovers everywhere!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

It's our 8th Blogoversary!

A few photos to highlight what we've posted about over the last eight years.


for joining us, for commenting, and for being a part of our family.

A bit low-key this year...

Celestial Angel and Chuck
Celestial Feral Hobo
Sweetie, on the day she was TNR'd.
Manny and Chili Bruce...or Chili Bruce and Manny?
My man Guy!
Smexy Sly

Celestial Paddy O'Malley

So much love!

Fascinating cats!


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

International Day of Peace #peaceday

Click on the image above to visit International Day of Peace site for the United Nations.

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. 
The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

In 2021, as we heal from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are inspired to think creatively and collectively about how to help everyone recover better, how to build resilience, and how to transform our world into one that is more equal, more just, equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and healthier.

The pandemic is known for hitting the underprivileged and marginalized groups the hardest. 
By April 2021, over 687 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered globally, but over 100 countries have not received a single dose. 
People caught in conflict are especially vulnerable in terms of lack of access to healthcare.

In line with the Secretary-General’s appeal for a global ceasefire last March, in February 2021 the Security Council unanimously passed a resolution calling for Member States to support a “sustained humanitarian pause” to local conflicts. 
The global ceasefire must continue to be honoured, to ensure people caught in conflict have access to lifesaving vaccinations and treatments.

The pandemic has been accompanied by a surge in stigma, discrimination, and hatred, which only cost more lives instead of saving them: the virus attacks all without caring about where we are from or what we believe in. 
Confronting this common enemy of humankind, we must be reminded that we are not each other’s enemy. To be able to recover from the devastation of the pandemic, we must make peace with one another.

And we must make peace with nature. 
Despite the travel restrictions and economic shutdowns, climate change is not on pause. 
What we need is a green and sustainable global economy that produces jobs, reduces emissions, and builds resilience to climate impacts.

The 2021 theme for the International Day of Peace is 
“Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world”. 

We invite you to join the efforts of the United Nations family as we focus on recovering better for a more equitable and peaceful world. 
Celebrate peace by standing up against acts of hate online and offline, and by spreading compassion, kindness, and hope in the face of the pandemic, and as we recover.


Monday, September 20, 2021

A Year Ago

It's PO'Monday!

Photos from exactly one year ago.

What a cat!

Goofy, playful, stubborn, loving.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Puzzle Fun

My Prisma app has so many different styles; I just play with them almost daily.

There is something about black cats too, that make them purrfect models for my artification!

Hope you enjoy the puzzles too.
Click on the image of Sweetie above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle!
Click on the image of Da Boyz (which one is which?) above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess Blog!

Friday, September 17, 2021

Dr. Ruth Galloway, cat lover

The Ruth Galloway Mystery Series, written by Elly Griffiths
Image from the interwebs

The Crossing Places, 2009
The Janus Stone, 2010
The House at Sea’s End, 2010
A Room Full of Bones, 2011
A Dying Fall, 2012
The Outcast Dead, 2014
The Ghost Fields, 2015
The Woman In Blue, 2016
The Chalk Pit, 2017
The Dark Angel, 2018
The Stone Circle, 2019
The Lantern Men, 2020
The Night Hawks, February 2021
The Locked Room, October 2022


I recently discovered the Ruth Galloway series, written by Elly Griffiths, on a Facebook group.

This series, to me, is like eating potato chips; you can't have just one!

Or more like the saying, "Cats are like potato chips; you can't have just one"?

Anyhow, one aspect of this series is that Ruth loves her cats!

Ruth is an archaeologist, living in North Norfolk, U.K.

She teaches at the nearby university, and finds herself involved with the local police when a skeleton is discovered and they call upon her unique skills at identifying buried bones.

There are other fun things, like druids, saltmarshes, spectral hounds and boogey men, and some good old romps in the sack!

She pines for her cat, Flint, whenever she's away from home for more than a few days.


Cats are harmed in the first two books, and that in itself would put me off a series (and a writer) in a heartbeat!

However, the author has made it very clear that she deeply regrets writing about such cruel things, and I've encountered no more of this type of nastiness in any of the other books.

The author is a true cat-lover.

I've halfway through book #13!

I'm told there is a TV series based on these books, but I haven't seen it...yet.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Nearby Store

 For years, we've shopped at a local pet store.

In December, 2017, the Premier Pet Supply store in Beverly Hills, Michigan, was where I spent my lunch break, and look whom I saw in the cat adoption center!

Yep, that's Manny and Chili Bruce, known as Spiderman and Bruce Wayne then.

Click on the image above to visit Premier Pet Supply's website.

Last weekend, I discovered that they've expanded to new location nearer to our home, and I visited right away.

What a lovely place, with the same warm and welcoming attitudes that drew me to their flagship store, where Da Boyz were waiting for us!

I am thankful for this local business, and now even more so that they are closer to our side of town.

Not that this means much to you all who live outside of Metro Detroit, yet we all have our favorite home-grown establishments that we are happy to give our hard-earned money too.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

I featured this pet store chain, and purchase from it, for my own use.
I only post about items that I think you all may enjoy, and receive no financial gain for myself.  

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Felt Hat Day

 September 15 is Felt Hat Day!

Eastside Cats will now show off their felt hats...

Sweetie wears a bowler.
A cowboy hat for Chili Bruce.
Manny, in a dapper top hat.

Hats on cats!


Disclaimer: No cats were harmed in the creation of these images, but they may have been embarrassed... 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


It's Twozday!

Sometimes, Da Boyz travel alone.
Manny, looking down from on top of the fridge.
Chili Bruce, excited about something outside.
Manny, doing the nap curl.
Chili Bruce, going long.

 A new development:
If you look at the top photo hard enough,
you'll notice a tiny patch of fur next to Manny's nose that looks like a white beauty mark.

It's one way to tell Da Boyz apart, if you cannot flip 'em over to look at the white spot on their bellies (Manny has the big spot, CB's is small), but that wee white spot is very tiny and difficult to see!

Monday, September 13, 2021


It's PO'Monday!
A selection of Celestial Pommy photos from September, 2019.

As handsome as his face was, that body of his was a sight to see, and he enjoyed showing it off!
