Sunday, September 04, 2022

National Library Card Sign-Up Month

September is National Library Sign-Up Month!

The modern library is not only books, but free wi-fi, games, classes, book groups, sewing clubs, jigsaw puzzles, quiet study, lectures, and so much more.

Visit your local library soon, and get your library card.

It's uses are endless.

And, you'll save yourself TONS of money by checking out books, audiobooks, ebooks, games, sewing machines, gardening tools, wifi hotspots, etc., instead of BUYING everything!

P.S. Laurie R. King and Neil Gaiman are two of my very favorite authors.


  1. Pawsome post! A library card is also known as a passport to adventure!
    Mum loves to read and she does in any format available ;)!
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Neil Gaiman is a favorite of mine, as well. I really need to check out the prolific Ms. King. :D

  3. our library has quarterly book sales, one is coming up in september. books are for sales for 25 cent, 50 cent up to one dollar, da mum stocks up, and cd's are 50 cents

  4. I am frustrated that my niece hasn't gotten her daughters library cards yet. Thanks for the reminder to pester her. XO

  5. There are some libraries that are struggling, that's pretty darn sad.

  6. Most of the small libraries here have closed so you either have to find where the mobile one is going or go into town.

  7. When #1 lived in Chicago, many years ago, she loved the Chicago Public Library. There isn't much of a library in the small French rural town she is in now. Sniff.

    The Chans

  8. Have you read “The Library Book?” Great story about the beginnings of libraries. I highly recommend.

  9. Our nearest library is about 9 miles away, but is is 'out of our district', so we have to pay a terrible fee to join there. The other one is 20 plus miles away...sheesh. With the price of gas we stick to ordering books or using the school and church libraries. Or perusing the thrift shops! Amazing finds there sometimes.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....