Thursday, October 12, 2023

Cats & Books

I love cats!

I love books!

I love pics of cats and books!
Using my library's app, I download audiobooks and ebooks to my phone to enjoy.

Reading or listening while laying on the futon, Da Boyz join me for a snuggle.

In bed, Sweetie crawls onto my chest.

Am thankful for these comforts in such troubled times.

Cats and books...yes please!

Let's Hop!


  1. Cats and books do seem to go together for some reason. Seeing cats in a bookstore is normal, seeing a dog would be weird.

  2. This made me smile. Thank you and be well, my dear.

  3. Cat and books ~ a wonderful combination and such sweet kitty photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. My old woman says cats and book are her two favourite things! (Oh, and the old man. She quite likes him too!)

  5. theez fotoz bee awesum !!! hope everee ones doin grate :) ♥♥

  6. ooopz....thatz uz...we thinked we waz logged in ! ?? :) ♥♥ da tabbies

  7. Cats and books... Two of THE BEST things in life. purrs

  8. Ah, cats & books what wonderful warm things they are.

  9. Those book kitties are sure cuties! Thank you for the kind words on the passing of our Brian, I appreciate you so much. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Cats and books go well together. Joanie is my reading partner. :) XO

  11. These are adorable cats and books, several months ago I started listening audio books and I've not looked back as I never have the time to sit down and read a book these days xxx

  12. These are two of my favorite things, also. I remember sneaking ahead in my reading lessons when I was first learning because I simply could not wait!

  13. All my new cats start out in my library, so the mix is there from the start at the Cosy Apartment.

  14. And on e-books with audio, the kitties can't obscure the pages...LOL!

    Love that last image.

  15. Cats and books, the best pairing!


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....