Saturday, December 30, 2023


For Caturday, we used Lunapic to artify a recent photo of Manny and Chili Bruce snuggling inside The Hubby's coat, tossed upon a chair; Do-fade filter.

There is something very special about Da Boyz when they appear as if one cat with two heads, or have too many limbs, or more ears than normal.

We often pick up a paw or follow a tailio, to figure out who is who, and which body part belongs to whom.

While researching synonyms for 'twin', I found the term doublet: a pair of like things; couple.

Our two are so very, very special.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess!


  1. Oh, those two. We have missed the Terrific Twins, the Tantalizing Two, the Darling Duo! We couldn't separate them easily. Happy New Year to you all.

  2. Lovely Twins indeed. Our Spooky boy is missing his brother Dido and they no longer can lounge together...

  3. Beautiful :) My two just won't get that close to cuddle up to each other like that.

    All the best for 2024!

  4. No others can compete with these two!

  5. Seeing them and your love, the both of you for them, brightens me each time I see it. Thank you. XO

  6. They are so cute. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  7. They are most precious. I like this term, I hadn't heard it in quite a while, thank you for brining a grand older word back to my attention.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....