05 December, 2023

Up and Down to No Good

It's Twozday!

I captured Manny and Chili Bruce when they'd invaded the kitchen once again.
Chili Bruce, looking up at his brofur.
Note the wallpaper has been clawed at!
Manny, looking down on his brofur...and me.
Da Boyz looking out the window.
Note the bare bits on the ceiling, where Da Boyz have clawed!
The kitchen is The Hubby's domain.

He is the chef, the dishwasher, the shopper, the shelf stocker, the popcorn, coffee and tea maker.

How Da Boyz have had so much access to that old kitchen, with its decades-old wallpaper, and even older painted ceiling...

Just blame The Hubby!

Yes, it's a bit untidy, but cats rule here on the Eastside.


  1. Our kitchen is ancient and horribly impractical as well as tiny...but only a teeny cat could get up on our fridge...there are cupboards almost to the top of it...and cookbooks fill up the rest of the space....yours would likely cause a book avalanche!

    But we both work/share the cooking parts here...LOL!!!

  2. Rule #1. Cats are allowed to get away with anything!

  3. doodz! make sure ewe chex out whatz INN SIDE
    de fridge. ‼️‼️💙🐟😺

  4. Love those expressions and yes, here at our home cats rule too!

  5. Cats just rule, period. Adorable.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  6. You boys look mighty fine and I hope you get some more clawing time in today!

  7. Well of course the cat's rule! We're the same way, the house is owned by the cats we just pay the mortgage.

  8. I bet they are great helpers. XO

  9. That picture of Manny looking down just totally blows me away! I LOVE it!

  10. I feel safer with you and your partner on top of the tower

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. It seems the cats rule the roost there. As it should be. Carry on. MOL!

  13. Some great pictures. I noticed that if CB couldn't be in a box, he was on parts of one. And that's no halo behind Manny, I take it...

  14. Untidy or otherwise, who cares when you have cats to love. Oh, and to fail to answer your question- dad says he doesn't remember the title of the book from my book/bed post. It's long since been returned.

  15. Anyplace cats hang out is going to look like a cat hangout. That's okay, we love them so we just go with it.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....