15 December, 2023

Bonus Tea Day

International Tea Day has been celebrated on December 15, since 2005, in tea producing countries like India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Uganda and Tanzania.

21 May is also International Tea Day.

Okay with me; I ❤️ tea.

Earl Grey and Moroccan Mint Tea are my favorites.

A few cute tea-themed images for your amusement:


  1. Tea is wonderful in the afternoons, especially if it's cold out.

  2. I like tea, too, Rooibos, hibiscus and Tulsi teas are my faves...sometimes I make a concentrate with all three, then add some more water and stevia or honey.
    But in truth I prefer coffee!!

  3. We like tea but Kit-Tea is always the best!

  4. I don't drink tea often, but I do love going to afternoon tea!

  5. Earl Gray, hot, and Russian tart cherry.

  6. I don't like tea. I was made to drink it as a child and it always made me feel sick. I am a coffee person and when we go to afternoon tea on the ship they know to bring me my own pot of coffee.

  7. Tee hee... Or should I type, tea hee.

  8. Orange pekoe for me - without the tiny dragon, please (as cute as they are...)


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....