17 March, 2024


17 March, 2024 is Queen Sweet's 4th Outside-to-Inside Gotchaversary!
We TNR'd her in 2009, brought her inside in 2020, and enjoy every single day we have with her.

17 March is St. Patrick's Day, Patron Saint of Ireland, and we have a few sillies to share:
They dye the river green on St. Patrick's Day.😹
17 March is St. Gertrude of Nivelles Day, whose patronage was never made official by the Vatican, but her association with whisking away mice and rats made her, by default, the saint that all cat lovers venerate.
Angel Lucy unexpectedly earned her angel wings.
Click on Lucy's photo above to leave kind words at 15 And Meowing.


  1. Sweetie, you certainly made the indoor transition where you belong. And are happily enjoying life with humans that love you. All on St Patrick's day.

  2. Happy Inside Gotcha Day, Sweetie. And Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  3. No better day to celebrate Sweetie! Actually, let's celebrate Sweetie every day ...

  4. Wishing you many more happy Inside Gotcha days Sweetie!
    Mariette + Kitties

    1. R commentz due knot post any mor sew we iz tryin thiz method ~~~ happee inn side gotcha day two ewe sweetie ♥♥

  5. Sweetie's probably never had the least thought of wanting to go back outside. Life is too good and she is loved too much inside.

  6. happee inn side gotcha day two ewe sweetie and heerz two 40 mor ♣♣♣♣

  7. da tabbies o trout towneMarch 17, 2024 at 2:24 PM

    sweetie sendin happee inn side best fizhez two ewe and heerz hopin ya see thiz comment coz for de past 92 postz, my commintz due KNOT..post
    ~~~~ mackerull ♥

  8. Happy St Paddy's Day!!!!
    Gee, maybe not if you are a fish ;)
    If you get green treats I hope they are fresh ;) MOL!
    Purrs Winnie

  9. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I And Happy Indoor Gotcha Day! Thanks for remembering Lucy. This photo is of my first Lucy. I could never get this close to the Lucy that just left me. XO

  10. That's a wonderful day Sweetie, Happy Insidegotchaday! Happy St. Patrick's Day from all of us!

  11. Happy St Patrick's Day!! Those funnies sure did make me Ms O'Giggler!

    Happy insiderversary, Sweetie!

  12. That was a great day for Sweetie! Living her best life now. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  13. I'm so glad she consented to come in! Many do not.

  14. What a wonderful and special day, sweeties! Happy Gotchaversary, and Happy St. Patrick's Day, too! XO


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....