Sunday, March 31, 2024

She Wore A Greyberry Beret

The closest Queen Sweet will get to wearing a bonnet!

The purrs were added at no charge.

Here's hoping that Spring is smiling down upon you today.

Still cannot upload photos to this blog; must copy and paste.

However, I've just discovered 67 comments stuck in my 'awaiting moderation' folder.

Have no idea why those were stuck there, but I've now cleaned it out, and will keep an eye on it from now on.

Thank you all for your comments, even if I got to them a bit behind schedule.


  1. Sweetie looks cute with her Greyberry beret and I LOVE her purrs!
    Happy Easter.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Sweetie looks very cute in he beret. Blogger goes through phases where it puts comments in the spam folder even though they are from people who have been commenting for years. I try to remember to check every day.

  3. Not all Easter bonnets have to have colorful ribbons in big flowers on them. Evidently Sweetie is explaining that to us quite well.

  4. Clearly, Queen Sweetie liked the hat! We now check our junk comments folder regularly, after we discovered almost 400 comments in there!

    The Chans

  5. Looking good, Sweetie! Happy Easter to you all! XO

  6. looking sheek sweetie!!!!! Happy easter!!sometimes our comment wind up in the spam bucket! was winter yesterday, might be spring later this week!

  7. That's one stylish kitty. :D It's beautiful here today, mostly sunny with a perfect cool breeze. I should have worn a jacket as I sit here typing. lol Be well!

  8. Great pictures! It's been so wet here over the past few months, I've forgotten what season it should be!

  9. Very stylish, Sweetie. And I wonder if those comments awaiting moderation are copies of others that have made it through. That happens to me now and then.

  10. Sweetie, go for it! When we lived in Michigan, the house we bought came with an in-ground pool (of all things). My husband would always tell friends, "yes, we open the pool on July 3 and close it on July 5, sure do enjoy our swim on the 4th of July!" Spring may, may not arrive ...

  11. I can't enter photos on my human blog but Katie can on hers. I LOVED the cartoons. Each one of them.

  12. Awww...Sweetie looks so pretty. Happy Easter! XO

  13. Sweetie, you are adorable! Those were good funnies too. Happy Easter from all of us at Brian's Home!

  14. That's a beautiful Beret, Sweetie.

    Thanks for the smiles and I wish you and yours a blessed and beautiful Happy Easter.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....