Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Ball of Fire!

It's Sweetnesday!

Today, let's look at the many moods of Wee Cheetie Sweetie:

Yep, she's just a whirlwind! 😹

Sweetie's latest Solensia vet visit proved that she'd gained a whisper of weight, which is fabulous as I was really concerned that she'd lost.

As for the appetite stimulant, I've scored a few more times with pilling her by waking her up from sleep!

Yeah, it's not playing cricket, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Angel Joanie flew away to The Rainbow Bridge.
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  1. It's always so impressive the looks that our cats have. As if they could care in the least about anything. But don't take away their food their favorite bed or their favorite toy. Then you'll probably get a whole different kind of look.

  2. You're a beautiful girl. I love how mom gets that pill down. You got to do what you've got to do.

    So sad about Joanie. Healing hugs to Ellen.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  3. Sweetie is beautiful. Glad she has gained some weight. Thank you for posting about my sweet girl. XO

  4. Sweetie, you are adorable and I'm always happy to see you and happy that you moved inside.

  5. Hugs to you all. You're running such a loving home, inside and out, a true bright spot in this world.

  6. Always nice to see Sweetie’s different looks.

  7. Sweetie! Don't give your human a hard time. She loves you so much!

  8. Sneaky way of getting the pill down, but well done!

  9. Sweetie is awwdorable😻Double Pawkisses just for you🐾😽💞

  10. She's a girlcat of many moods. And none of them looks like it wants to be photographed...


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