Thursday, March 07, 2024


This two-toned kitty seems to be sticking around.

'He' hides under the neighbor's desk, drinks water from our sump pump discharge pool (gross!), but he's begun to nervously approach when I pour out kibble.
We've put out fresh water, and the squirrels and raccoons like it, but Henry still drinks from the pool.

Henry as a name came to me as I sat on the deck, talking to him as he watched me from next door.

Maybe it's because I'd recently finished two books about Kings Richard III and Henry VII, but when I mentioned that to The Hubby, he started singing an oldie song by Herman's Hermits about Henry VIII!

No one needs that ear worm...NOBODY!

So, am thankful today that I cut across his singing before that could implant into my brain.

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  1. Hoping that Henry will slowly ease up and also start drinking the fresh water you put out.
    Good name choice!
    Big hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Boy does that song Bring Back old memories. I haven't heard that thing in decades. But I love the pictures of Henry, and and the water from your sump pump will be clean even though you and I might not want to drink it. I hope Henry keeps eating at your house.

  3. wavez two ewe dood…itz aye oh kay ta stop bye and bee friendz with V
    honest! bee safe out ther henry πŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’™

  4. He is lucky to have you looking out for him

  5. That eardrum is mine now. Thanks. hope Henry stays...

  6. Oh Henry looks like a darling kitty ~ hope he adopts you ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Thanks, I have that earworm as well now! I hope Henry gets braver.

  8. Come on Henry, it's a most safe place for you so get some chow and clean water. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. I suppose you meant to type 'deck', not 'desk'. ~giggle~ The song reference reminds me of the movie "Ghost".

    Silliness aside, you're amazing and I hope Henry wises up. Hugs, my dear.

  10. I hope he gets braver. Henry is a nice name. xO

  11. What a marriage. You read Shakespeare and he quotes Herman's Hermits

  12. That song actually goes back to the 1920s! It's been bothering people for a century. As for Henry the cat, let's hope he tries the fresh water soon. It may surprise him.

  13. He's probably used to the "flavored" water. Maybe he'll come to trust you yet.

  14. I bet in time Henry will work up the courage to come closer and closer.

  15. Oh Henry, I hope he comes around soon to that fresh water!

  16. Haha!! Henry VIII....I too was reading a biography of a Lady who was in the court there....and had that earworm assail me more than a few times, LOL!


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