05 November, 2018

Time Is On My Side

Found this on FB; made me LOL!
I have no idea who created this, and it's back one hour, but...

Sweetie, in the sunshine

The PO'M
By the way, he appears to be in fine fettle,
but he's not really allowing me to examine his chin
Every year, I start getting nervous about the extra hour added to the day, as The US ends Daylight Saving Time.  That's a long time for the kitties to wait for their meals, until they get used to it.  The Hubby laughs at me, because he can ignore meowing cats for an entire hour, while I would start a week ahead, and slowly move feeding times back 10 minutes at a time!

Needless to say, all cats are already adjusted, while I'm still traumatized.  At least I spent some quality time with each cat group this weekend: The 'O' Cats, Upstairs Angel, and Da Boyz.

On the other hand, I have no internet service at home, so I am looking to get it added, for the least possible cost.  While I'm on the computer all day long at the office, Monday through Friday, having no access on the weekends and evenings makes me a bit bonkers.  I also miss commenting on your blogs, FB, IG, etc., so there is a lot of catch-up on Monday.


The Whiskeratti said...

Ohhh mom would go quite mad without her home Internet connection. Good luck getting yours installed.

The kittehs... Paddy is just doing the manly thing with his chin. And of course we felines adjust to things much more quickly than hoomins do.

Hairballs and Hissyfits said...

i could not live without internet at home! Hopefully you can find a good deal! I love that joke about Stonehenge! My cats also seem already to have adjusted faster than I did!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Our ferals haven't quite adjusted yet but they're working on it!

Carry Loves Cats said...

Hope you get your internet back soon!

Laser and McLaren were so interested in this blog. It took me half an hour to get a chance to look at it!

My Mind's Eye said...

That Stonehenge was funny.
My daughter said her cats starting playing lets make a deal for an early meal yesterday. She gave them a firm no reminding them that she would not be at home at that time M-F....tough love
Hugs Cecilia

Mickey's Musings said...

I was laid up this weekend with a back issue(better today).
Poor cats did not know when mealtimes were going to be.
They survived as did I ;)
Nancy and the kitties

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

No Internet access at home must be really hard! We hope you can get it soon.

We're not bothered about the time change. as for #1, she flings herself across time zones with such reguarity that she has stopped noticing.

The Chans

Tamago said...

Moving feeding time ten minutes at a time-what a great plan! I tried to move by 30 minutes which worked for Goro but Niko was nervous that he’d starve! I hope you will find a good internet service :-)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

As addicted as we are, it's hard to imagine life before we had Internet access everywhere!

The Island Cats said...

The mom would totally lose it if she didn't internet all the time!

Sasha said...

We think the picture of the Stones is very funny. Lynettea shared it on her Facebook

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

wow no internet at home? Nooooooo way! You must change that!

pilch92 said...

I am glad everyone is doing well. I hope you get home internet soon :)

Ruby's Rescued Life said...

I stress about the time change, too! Glad I am not the only one. Oh gosh, hope you get your internet back soon.

Summer said...

My human is never on schedule with feeding - so it makes the time change just another complication.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I remember only too well the indignant yells when the clocks changed! Of course I always gave in and fed the boys early, gradually bringing it back to the right time. Funnily I never noticed any protests when the clocks went the other way!
The cartoon made me laugh.

Ramblingon said...

That cartoon was a winner! And I am glad to know Paddy is in fine fettle. I was concerned. I've been down the road for a year with the internet thing. It's pretty bad.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

No one understands that us kittie's tummies do not understand time changes!

John Bellen said...

I wish they'd drop daylight saving time here. There have been initiatives to do that, but inertia is strong in politicians and it may be decades before the notion of change catches up to them. One of our provinces did away with it, and everyone in the others would like to, as well.

I chuckled at the Stonehenge picture. Maybe that was first used in the spring.

Three Chatty Cats said...

MOL, that photo is too funny. I don’t know what I’d do without internet at home. I hope you’re able to find a good deal!