Folks, I cannot make this stuff up!
While traveling around on lunch break in the nearby subdivision, aiming at the local park to sit and enjoy some Mother Nature, I spied a grey tabby cat casually strolling down the sidewalk. My "Oh no, a stray cat!" instinct immediately kicked in, and I pulled The Cat Car over to the curb and parked.
I oh-so-casually exited my car, (phone in hand!) and called, "Kitty! Kitty! Kitty!" And the cat walked straight up to me, purring away, and allowed scritches and pets. "Wow!" I thought to myself, "what a cat whisperer I am!" The stray cat then jumped up on my car...then up on the roof! I was gobsmacked, but managed to snap a few photos.
Then, I'm thinking...what am I supposed to do? If this stray cat needs a home, do I just open the car door? While I wrestled with this for a moment, a man from across the street called over and told me, "that cat belongs to the house over there!" as he pointed. I thanked him, and when I'd turned around again, Not-Stray-Cat (NSC) had jumped down and continued his stroll, in the same direction he first was headed in. He was obviously walking home. Not so much a cat whisperer, rather more a cat NOTICER! Stepping alongside, I spoke softly to NSC, and he stopped to give himself a quick bath in the middle of the sidewalk.
Thankfully, NSC isn't in need of assistance, but I am beginning to wonder if I 'attract' cats from out of the blue. Anyone else have the same thing happen to them? While on vacation, on a walk in the neighborhood, visiting my mother's senior condominium complex...I find cats.
Stray Cat (before he was NSC) |
Enjoying The Cat Car! |
This cat has plenty of confidence |
Sidewalk Bath Time |
Close-up of NSC |
Thank you for your well-wishes
for Angel and Chuck's Gotcha Day!
Chuck has ceased the constant meowing,
and we feel he's eating better because
we are constantly putting out small portions
of food for him when he asks for some.