Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy 36th Gotcha Day!

Yesterday's sky
36 years ago, The Hubby and I went out on our first date, to a costume Halloween party.  We've been an item ever since!  I was dressed in my great-grandmother's long dress, velvet hat and elbow-length gloves.  He dressed as a plumber, with fake tattoos and a plunger hanging from loop in his overalls.

This year, our loving household is concerned for Chucky, so no dinner out or bowls of giggles.  Just quiet petting and heaps of love and warmth.

Love and warmth to you all, as the seasons change.


Monday, October 30, 2017

National Cat Day: 10/29/17

In honor of National Cat Day yesterday, the internationally famous movie Kedi played in theatres all over the U.S., and my friends and I went to see it in downtown Royal Oak, Michigan.

If you haven't indulged in this film, please give yourself a chance to enjoy.  More of a documentary than a Hollywood movie, the filmmakers Ceyda Torun and Charlie Wuppermann tell the story of the street cat loving humans in Istanbul, the city that is in both Europe and Asia.

This is the marquee at the Detroit Film Theatre
where I originally saw 'Kedi' in March, 2017
After watching this delightful film, we ventured to the Ferndale Catfe Lounge to play with the adoptable cats and kittens living there.  Funny, since I had visited the Catfe Lounge on Friday last week also!  YAY!


I did not record the names of all the sweet babies, hoping that they'll be whisked off to their furrever homes before I can return to visit again.  

Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Three-Cat, One Snake Walk

Met up with three cats on tonight's walk in the 'hood.  In order of appearance:
The POM look-alike
on Smith Street

"Harlequin" hanging out
in the Halloween decorations

Tons of fancy Halloween decorations to enjoy also, including this snake or serpent (or Loch Ness Monster?) blow up.  Sorry for the poor image; it's getting dark so much earlier these days!
Blow Up Serpent Decoration

Friday, October 27, 2017

Good Halloween Fun!

AB dressed as a cat,
wearing a notice that says,
"If Lost, Please Return to Vicky"

My costume
Today the office had it's annual Halloween party for all employee's children.  Everyone was encouraged to dress up in costume, adults included.

Imagine my surprise when AB dressed as one of 'my' cats!  Her badge read, "If Lost, Please Return to Vicky"!  I guess lots of folks know of my proclivity for helping strays.  Who knew?

Is that the most heart-swelling gesture EVER?  Such a huge surprise, and all I wore for a costume was a second-hand sweater with a cat on the front, and cat earrings.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Tearful Thursday: Mozart

Taken from February 25, 2016
Random Felines post
for Angel Mozart's 9th birthday
The Rainbow Bridge has a new Angel; Mozart, from Random Felines.  It's been only 20 days since Angel Tommy also grew wings and flew up to heaven.

Taken from May 3, 2011 Random Felines post
Angel Tommy chillaxin'
Please stop by Random Felines and offer some comfort.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wow! Wednesday

Cat Present Surprise!

A surprise package arrived from my dear aunt.  Cat stuff!  An adorable 18-month cat yoga calendar, a cat-covered scarf (yes!...fist pump!), and a children's book about a chicken who finds herself in the big city.  Beautiful Yetta has a talent though; she can chase off cats who are trying to snack on her new-found bird friends.

Total surprise, and the best kind of surprise!  A thank you note (with requisite cat photo on it) was mailed immediately.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Farewell Angel Sascha

From Brian's Home

Angel Sascha earned her heavenly wings on October 20.  Please visit Brian's Home to post a loving comment for her heart-sore humans.


Friday, October 20, 2017


While driving The Cat Car the other day, I heard a really loud, "MEE-OWW!" from somewhere outside!  I looked up into the rear-view mirror, and saw two women on motorcycles behind me.  This is the photo I tried to snap of them, without them knowing...ya know whatImean?  Inside the red circle:
"Say Wha?!?"

Obviously, they were reacting to my 'MEOW' magnet!

Meow Magnet on the back of The Cat Car
The women didn't seem to be making fun or being sarcastic...they were just meowing, prompted by the magnet.  I can live with that!

The Hubby claims that while driving The Cat Car a week ago, a person a nearby vehicle had a passenger with their hands up like claws, mimicking a cat pawing at the window.  I think that's cute!

Wonder what will happen when I get MORE cat stickers and magnets on The Cat Car?

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Tiny Lions Cat Lounge & Adoption Center

Ann Arbor, Michigan, is home to the famous University of Michigan, and has been a hippie mecca for a very long time.  Embracing an alternative lifestyle, the area is full of quirky bookstores, vegan restaurants, and both upscale and moderately priced shopping, real estate, and everything in between. 

Additionally, Ann Arbor has Tiny Lions Lounge and Adoption Center!  The Humane Society of Huron Valley places adoptable cats and kittens in this setting, to allow potential furrever humans (or cat-loving visitors, like me!) to interact with them.  There are sofas, chairs, cat beds and cat climbs everywhere, plus plenty of room for board games, computer work, or the occasional yoga class.

Ren needed his beauty sleep
Rose was chillaxin'
Millicent likes to roughhouse
Playful Widget
Gregorio, wondering where his snack is
Rachel discusses politics with a visitor
The staff puts color coded tags on the cats's collars, to indicate their comfort level of human interaction.  If they were adopted, they also got a special tag to let visitors know that they are already spoken for! 

In addition, visitation time is limited to a maximum of one hour, and once you've paid the entrance fee of $7.00, you are handed a beeper that goes off once time is up.  Goes by much too fast, as you can imagine.

One more thing: The Humane Society of Huron Valley will NOT adopt out a cat to an adopter looking to declaw!  It's written into their adoption contract.  I did a happy dance when I heard this information.  It's the only way that I roll, so it's wonderful to know there is a growing tide of anti-onychectomy folks out there.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Vacation With No Cats

My weekend trip was wonderful!  But...I saw NO CATS!  Lots of dogs, and they were everywhere.

However, I managed to find some art cats; the sachets were in the gift shop at the The Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum at Whitefish Point, Michigan, and the spoon caddy was from Mackinaw Bakery in Mackinaw City, Michigan.

Cat Spoon Caddy

Lavender Drawer Sachets

Close up of caption

Close up of caption
Also, this cat-face coat on the passenger next to me on our horse-drawn taxi ride.

Girl's coat on Mackinac Island
I took many, many photos; the autumn colors are amazing, and the weather was both beautifully calm, and blowing and wet.  Here are a few:

Had a lovely time; a fantastic trip to enjoy Mother Nature in all of her splendor.

And look what greeted me when I stepped in the front door!

Angel and Chuck, sharing the double-wide scratcher together!
The Hubby said that Angel and Chuck began sitting side-by-side over the weekend, and I had to snap a photo even though it was too dark.  Gosh, I go away for a couple-three days, and the world turns on it's head!  Jiminy Crickets!