02 October, 2019

Peaceable Kingdom

We had several comments about yesterday's post here, wondering how well The 'O' Cats and Da Boyz get along.  

Here are some more photos that may help to answer that question:

Sweetie and I on the desk, one of Da Boyz looking on from the door

I don't know which one is which!
Da Boyz and The PO'M say hello

Sweetie cares not that Chili Bruce is right there!

The PO'M going about his daily business, with watchers

For almost two years, Da Boyz watch The 'O' Cats, and vice versa.  The Hubby and I interact with all, while the others watch, either from inside or outside.  We've had no hissing, growling, or general fussing.  It's like they all know their place, and don't intend to change anything.

I feel, however, that Da Boyz would LURV to get to know Sweetie and Paddy O'Malley, should they ever be in contact without a screen in between.  Manny and Chili Bruce would enjoy having a host of other cats to play with, since they are so bonded and loving with each other.

Angel isn't included in this post, because she lives upstairs, and no longer comes in contact with Da Boyz or The 'O' Cats.  She seems quite content with the arrangement, having her own apartment, and only contact with her humans.

Angel: "I like being alone!"


  1. As long as everyone gets what they want life is good. It's good to know your peeps are making that happen.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your personal assistants. ♥

  2. I'm really glad the boys get along like that, we all sort of like our ferals too.

  3. Love the one with the Harry Potter lightning mark over one eye! He looks a warrior. 💚

  4. Angel, I totally understand how you feel!

  5. Is Sweetie a tortie, or does she just have that one orange eyebrow ?

  6. There are so many members of the Wonderpurr Gang, that we also have separate living arrangements. When Rabbit joined our home, his wild cat antics upset some of us older cats. So Chauncie Marie, Gidget and me, Herman, left Gen Pop and moved into Mom's office. We love it there. In fact, most days Opie and Frank join us too. Rabbit is not allowed in Mom's office. Ever!

  7. As long as everyone is happy :)

  8. ugh oh . I could have an upstairs cat.......

  9. We think it's great everybody respects everybody else. Nobody needs any more hissing in the world!

  10. A peaceable kingdom, indeed. It's good that everyone gets along, each group in its own province of the kingdom.

  11. Nows, that is one peaceful estate my furiends!!!
    I would likes my own apt. please! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  12. It's wonderful they get along so well! Angel doesn't interact with them but she is happy, which is the most important thing :-)

  13. I love the closer look at everyone and their personalities. How they act and in a way, interact. Angel darling, you're missing something but then, there is a good reason for your decision I feel certain. You made it after all. I can't recall the story of P'OM. Does he have any home at all in the neighborhood? Sweetie too. Does anyone else provide food? If one of them is sick, would they become fearful do you think, if they went to the Vet? Are P'OM and Sweetie "fixed"? And were they before they met you and your husband? xx

  14. Any OTHER home I should have written. :-)

  15. How wonderful everyone gets along. Jealous that Angel gets her own "deluxe apartment in the sky".

  16. I love that you have such a peaceful kingdom. We could all learn from your gang.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....