09 April, 2024

Sacred Ground Operatives

9 April, 2024 is National Library Workers Day!
The Library staff are operatives who dole out information, assist with copiers and 3D printers, jigsaw puzzles, checking out materials, checking in materials, replacing materials on shelves, signing up new library patrons...or those who've lost their card (I used mine as a bookmark once, then forgot which book I'd put it in...).

I hope to be a library worker; libraries are the bestest places on Earth...well, besides where I am a human cat bed...and I visit libraries wherever I roam.

Libraries are not silent; they are full of youngsters and oldsters, having conversations about books, films, making a video using the library green screen.

There is research, there are stories, there are folk from everywhere...rubbing elbows, and enjoying a newspaper, an audiobook, a discussion about history, or writing a class report.
Visit your local library, and thank a Library Worker for their help.


  1. The public library has been my saving grace many a time. I find mostly what I need and want and have done so ever since I was too young to read myself. My mother brought me up using the library and it is even more different today because of technology. thank you for reminding anyone who may have forgotten the wonders of the library!

  2. I love libraries! My favorite times growing up were visits to our library! We went every week.

  3. I love the library. All 3 librarians set things aside for me because they know what I like to read. XO

  4. Hubby has a library card. I don't, but he say libraries are hollowed ground.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  5. My favorites, too, I do love the libraries here. We have some excellent ones, if I do say so myself.

    Every library needs one of those signs.

  6. Libraries offer all sorts of things…not just books. They are a great resource.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....