12 April, 2024

Another Thing

So, I did another thing...
This is the artwork that my tattoo guy used on Tuesday.

Will take clear pics to share, after the wrapping comes off and some healing happens.

My Swee Wee, in her tiara and reclining upon an open book.

Before my appointment, I enjoyed a walk through my favorite natural landscape, Tenhave Woods, in Royal Oak, Michigan, and snapped a few pretty things:

Am pretty sure these will be white, but they could be red.

The red sap is used as a dye.
Trout Lily
The speckled leaf pattern reminded someone of a fish!

Also met a fellow nature-lover, who was watching for birds.

She pointed out a hawk not far above our heads.

We compared tattoos, our love of libraries, and had a delightful few moments of chat.

P.S. It's The Hubby's Birthday today, but he doesn't want to hear the 'b' word!

It's lucky that he doesn't read this blog.

Happy Birthday, dearest, and may you celebrate many more.


  1. It looks like that should be a lovely tattoo when all is done and said. Love the flower pictures and I'm seeing about the same things here finally. But only after about 8 inches of rain in the last 10 days and I don't think it's over. Happy birthday to your husband, I'm sure he really wants some kind of Celebration even if it's a special dinner.

  2. OK won't say it quite out loud, just HB to Your Guy. Beautiful flowers ... healthy healing, anxious to see the results ...

  3. You at least stand out by naming the beautiful wild flowers you encountered!
    Good luck with the healing and Swee Wee looks regal in that image so it will come out well.
    Happy Birthday to your husband!
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. You are a tatoo star Sweetie! Happy Non-B Word to your hubby from all of us!

  5. Sounds like a nice outing and meeting! Well, just tell your hubby hello from me then, no happy birthday!

  6. A cat and a book - could there be a more purrfect subject for your tatto? I think not.

  7. Happy Birthday to your hubby. I can't wait to see your tattoo. XO

    1. I agree. :D And I'm glad you enjoyed your nature walk.

  8. Oh gees, my rotten big brothers...they were 8 and 10 years older than me, and this was when I was 6...used to pick a stem or so of bloodroot and swear and be durned they were going to douse me with BLOOD! Rotten boogers~

  9. Can't wait to see the finished art!

  10. That looks to be a splendid picture of Sweetie. And whadya mean he doesn't read your blog?!

  11. Your "Swee Wee" is beautiful, I'm sure your tattoo will be also.

    Those are delightful nature photos.

    I wish your husband many happy returns of the day.


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