21 April, 2024

Tea Day

 21 April is British National Tea Day!

Tea holds a special place in the hearts of the British, and National Tea Day in the UK, coincides with the Late Queen Elizabeth II's birthday.

I enjoy tea: Earl Grey, Green Tea with Mint, and Peppermint Tea.

No additives, just hot tea!


  1. Love the kitty with its apron holding a hot cup of tea...
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Unfortunately I have never been able to drink tea, not even herbal. My gran used to make the tea when I was a child as my mother was out to work. She always made me a cup and said I should drink it, but it always made me throw up. I have tried at different times since but it always had the same result.

    1. That's rather fascinating to me, but am sure it's horrific for you, since tea is everywhere and no one would think to NOT offer you some. When I chose to stop drinking alcohol, I treated it like I was allergic to the stuff. It's worked for many years now.

  3. How did you ever get a picture of Precious with her cup of tea? I do like Lady Gray tea better than Earl. But then I drink green tea and Irish Breakfast also. Love the cartoons you have in here about tea.

  4. Love this. My favourite is good old English Breakfast tea - drunk with milk, of course, as the Almighty intended (lol).
    Shimona (aka Mummy to the J-Cats)

  5. Tea, such a fine brew. Meant to dunk biscuits in. Actually we prefer green tea these days as far more good nutrients. Not as many as nip tea, but I get that so seldom these days due to running out of nip and my sometimes rowdy behaviour 🙂

  6. We have green tea every day here and we like it!

  7. During the Second World War, British soldiers loved their tea so much, they would use the water in machine-gun water-jackets (large, enclosing cylinders around the barrels to cool them) for tea: the machine-guns would have been fired so much, they would boil the water. No need for a campfire!

  8. Ha! I love the one with the cats. It's purrfect! My tea of choice is genmaicha. :)

  9. There's nothing like it, and peppermint is my favorite.

  10. I remembered to sign in this time. ~rolls eyes~ Knocking off the tea cup scene took me a moment to process due to the bright sunshine on my front patio. Heh... The realization totally cracked me up. Now I'm going to have to try genmaicha and it's delightful that the late Queen's birthday coincides; never one to follow the family, I love the fact she joined the love of her life in the great beyond.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....