Monday, July 30, 2018

Sweetie and The Sweater

Yesterday, while enjoying the lovely summer day, Sweetie came along to sit with me.  I petted her, and rubbed her silky ears.  She quickly discovered my cast-off sweater, and seemed to really enjoy it!  Her long claws could have made mincemeat of it, but surprisingly no holes were found.  For the enjoyment she seemed to receive, it would have been worth a ripped-up sweater just to witness it!  I have a stack of sweatshirts, sweaters, and fleecy tops that I will now 'drop' on the deck, for her future use.  I will NOT put fabric inside The Cat Hotel, since in the winter, any moisture can freeze, and it's a huge danger for outside cats.  Straw is the only way to go when it's cold, but until then, she'll get my sweater treatment.

For my friends in the UK, Americans say 'sweater', The British say 'jumper'.


  1. It smells like you so that's a plus. Just saying. Most adorable.

    Have a purrfect day, Sweetie. My bet to your mom. ♥

  2. my stars sweetie and you look FABulous with that sweater; I daresay a yellow scarf would set the entire outfit off just right; ask mom for one ~~~~ hugs from dai$y =^..*= ☺☺♥♥

  3. Oh my, that's just the purrfect Sweetie accessory!

  4. Oh my word you capture such a precious and endearing quality that all cats have but isn't often seen in action. Sweetie surely loves that sweater.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. This was two lovely videos that you shared with us. We like how sweetie was rolling it up a little on one end to make a little pillow bump to lean on. Thanks for the share. We loved this posted so much. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  6. oh my god those videos are adorable!! I see Frodo doing that sometimes too!

  7. Well, we think you may have lost a sweater! Sweetie has claimed it as hers.

  8. What a nice treat for her! We never get stuff like that here.

  9. For a moment there when the photos had not loaded, I thought you were putting the sweater on the cat.....

  10. Your babies are so fortunate to have found you, and you, them.

  11. What a hit the sweater is! Sophie drags around our discarded clothing sometimes.

  12. How purrecious. And MeOW lookit those happy paws and claws. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  13. "cast-off sweater", haha! Is there anything like this possible? She's so adorable! <3


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