Thursday, July 12, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Don't Leave Me!

"How To Keep Your Human At Home"
by Paddy O'Malley

It's simple!
Just lay on the driveway behind her car!
She cannot go anywhere until you move,
so just roll around looking cute and cuddly.

Your human is forced to remain home; no
gadabouting all over town.
What is a 'job' anyhow...and who needs it!

Dear Paddy, love of my life...I would be so happy to stay home 24/7/365 to tend to your wants and needs, and pat your tummy and let you eat my ears and earrings!  But, I married for love, not money, so off I go to work for The Man, and put a few coins in the bank account for cats and humans to have food and a roof over their heads.  So very thankful that you stopped by on that cold winter's day, and decided to hang around.  You mean the world to me, big boy!



  1. POM you are quite the most delightful distraction...and what a way to send off your Mom with this loving mental image.
    Hugs madi your bfff
    PS MOL on the bloodletting. I must say I'm usually fairly nice at the vets....if you don't count my HBO words and the song of my people.

  2. Patty is such a sweetie, can't blame a guy for trying! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. What a wonderful tactic! Sorry it didn't work. We had to squeee at the second photo. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  4. I, alas, am NOT allowed outside...except on the deck and in my harness...I DO try rolling in front of my Mom at the bottom of the stairs to the entry...
    My Mom tells me the same thing...

  5. Awww Paddy, that sure keeps your human at home! You look soooo sweet and your tummy is super gorgeous! She may need to physically leave for work, but her heart always stays with you :-)

  6. Always look for that big boy before backing!

  7. That's a good trick, Paddy. I'm going to lay in front of the door tomorrow and see what happens.

  8. MOL! Well, it was a good try, and I think he got what he really wanted in the end.

  9. dood....ya tried yur best buddy...may bee one day yur mom will say....knot goin ta werk..callin in sick....chillaxin with de crew ~~ :) ♥♥

  10. If only all the humans would stay home but then we wouldn't get away with murder while they were away.

  11. I have become quite fond of both you and the O Cats. ALL of your cats. Chili Bruce and Angel too. Very much so . That was a precious picture of Paddy rolling back there n the driveway. I'd have to pick him up...snorgle him all over. Smooch till his stripes came off...and start all over again.

  12. Oh Paddy - please be careful around cars ! Not everybody has a backup camera ! (but thank goodness for such things !)

  13. Such a handsome boy! Even more so close up! And you can't beat that POM belly.

  14. OMC, what a cutie that Paddy is! Mom loves that photo of his trying to make you stay home.

  15. Such a sweet and handsome boy.

  16. Don't they do that at protests? Lie in front of bull-dozers and such? I wouldn't be surprised if they learned it from cats.

  17. Awwww, how sweet that second paragraph is. Dad says when he was younger he stood in front of his mom's car so she wouldn't leave because he and all his siblings were bickering. I'm not allowed outside so I can't do such things. Have an awesome weekend y'all.

  18. Humans come up with all sorts of excuses for leaving us. Can you believe Mommy insist she has to drive in the car to get OUR food, she can't fool us we know it's in the pantry. We think you are much to handsome to leave Paddy.

  19. How dare you go off to work and earn some moolah to pay for Paddy's food!

  20. Aw, we're not sure he wants you to stay or just likes rolling around on the driveway. ;)

  21. Sweet. Raven has mornings when it's obvious she doesn't want us to leave. But like you, someone has to pay the bills, so off to work we go.


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