Tuesday, April 30, 2019


The way that they curl into each other, makes me weep with joy!
The Hubby often tosses his jacket on a chair, and before he remembers to hang it up in the closet, Da Boyz are using it for a beddy!  Nowadays, his jacket is NEVER put away; he'd rather leave it so the cats can enjoy.  Can't say I blame him, but there are more jackets than cats on this chair now!


Monday, April 29, 2019

Feral Pin Cushion


Thigh ouchies!
Paddy is my love, and he loves me.  But love is painful sometimes!  May have to consider carrying a thick pad or carpet square, to put in my lap.  His nails are sharp, as they should be, but my thigh is currently looking like a pin cushion.  He is so happy to be with me, that he makes biscuits, and even my heavy jeans didn't prevent punctures.

On the flip side of this, The PO'M prefers to snuggle with me instead of eating his meals, so he is now on a diet, as his absence from the food bowls means Sweetie can eat everything up!

Sweetie is about 1/2 the size of The PO'M, so my hand looks huge on her small frame.
Notice the look from 'you know who'...
There is no doubt that The PO'M is a hefty boy, but I've been loath to cut back on food during the cold and snow.  Now that he's voluntarily eating less, this process may be easier than imagined! 


Saturday, April 27, 2019

To My Surprise...Thrice!

The Spring weather here in Michigan has been changeable, to say the least.  In spite of that, I was able to visit Tenhave Woods Nature Trail on my lunch hour.  Some photos:
Wakerobin, a trillium


Please forgive me if the plants are misidentified; I looked them up on a couple of wildflower websites, and my friend CE id'd the wakerobin.

To my surprise, after enjoying the woods and the flowers and the chippies and the sunshine, to meet up with this adorable kitten!
Kismet, and dad
Kismet's dad is habituating the eight-week old rescue kitten to walk on a lease, and they were practicing near the woods!  Is this kitten seriously adorable or what?!?

That night, I walked the neighborhood, and my half-way-round boyfriend Sly showed up.  He was being so adorable, that I sat on the driveway...legs outstretched...and snapped photos of his floofiness.
Maybe Sly knocked me over with his cute, and I didn't realize it?

While so engaged, a car pulls up, and the man asks if I am okay.  He thought that maybe I had tripped and fallen!  LOL!  Guess they didn't catch the camera/phone in my hand, and Sly rolling on the ground in front of me.  The kindness of a stranger; that's a surprise!

After that, I kept walking.

Surprised for the third time,  a tabby kitty in the bushes ran over to me, and let me pet her!  I've not seen her before, and she was wearing a collar that read, "Annie Smith" and a phone #.  

 What a great day, to my surprise!


Friday, April 26, 2019

Photo Fails!

That Sly!

Um, Sweetie...what are you doing?

Harlequin, a neighbor cat, just keeps on rollin'...


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P.S.  On my drive into the office this morning, I witnessed a poor squirrel get run over by the car in the lane next to me.  I slowed when I saw the creature dart out across three lanes, so he made it across the fourth (my lane), but not the fifth.  The only other time that I've watched an animal get run over, was about 15 years ago, and I cried for 15 minutes.  Yes, we can discuss the horrible number of animal/car strikes that happen daily, and what can be done.  My main concern: what if the animal is only hurt, but still alive?  The ensuing suffering that I envision, makes me sad.  Telling me that "It's God's Will," or "Death is a part of life", is all well and good, but I'm in a funk today, hoping that the squirrel died instantly.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thankful Thursday: Attorneys for Animals

"A non-profit Michigan organization of legal professionals and animal advocates, that…

Advocates for animals and provides resources for people who care about them.
Fosters creative projects that will positively impact animals and educate their advocates.
Acts to support, educate and encourage attorneys and others who work on behalf of animals."

From Attorneys for Animals FB page
Used with permission
I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Beatrice Friedlander, at the All About Animals Rescue's 2019 Spay-Tacular Benefit for Animals earlier this month.  Beatrice is the President of Attorneys for Animals, and she received an award for outstanding service to animals, and the animal rescue community at the event.  While enjoying a delightful cup of coffee later in the evening, I thanked Beatrice and her husband Donald, for their advocacy of critters here in the great state of Michigan.
From AFA FB page
Used with permission
We had a pleasant conversation, and Beatrice asked me all kinds of questions, while I did the same to her!  Every time I am involved with any program or volunteer experience with All About Animals Rescue, I come away having gained more than I gave.

Every state has their animal and wildlife problems, and as we each try to effect change through our own actions, it's good to know that Attorneys for Animals is also on guard.

Thank you, Beatrice and Donald, and the rest of Attorneys for Animals!


Let's Hop!

Thank you, Brian's Home Blog for hosting every week!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Updated! One Word Wednesday


Just found out that Lewis from Catio Tales was lovingly helped over The Rainbow Bridge yesterday.  Please stop by to offer condolences for this beloved old mancat.
Rest In Peace, Angel Lewis


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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Talk Like Shakespeare Day

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?  It is an ear, and Manny is the sun.

Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.
Oh, I sigheth when I behold Manny!

Devouring Time, blunt thou the lion's paws...
But why dost Manny stretcheth out his leg?

Well then...
Fare You Well, Oh Manny!
I'll not importune you with a tedious leave!

Hover over each photo, for more Shakespearian fun!

Shakespearean Cat Magnet
from The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC.

Monday, April 22, 2019

New Neighborhood Cats!

Shy ginger kitty was very wary.
This was as close as I could get!
I believe this cat has a tipped ear, since I know the
woman living next door practises TNR, as I do.

This sweetheart came a'running when I called.
I was allowed tummy rubs!
Note the tipped ear; someone TNR'd this cutie, and is obviously caring for him well!

Even though practicing TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) is against city policy, I am heartened to know that others are looking after the stray and feral cat population in my neighborhood.  These two cats were blocks away from each other! 

On this 49th Earth Day, taking care of our fellow creatures is of paramount importance.  I am doing my part by planting native species of flowers and bushes, to encourage native bees, birds, and bats.  Helping outdoor cats too, has been a part of my life since 2008.  Money isn't the solution; doing something is what is needed!  Go to the Earth Day website here, and find out what's happening in your neck of the woods and all around the globe!


Friday, April 19, 2019

No Sheets For Me!

Angel:  "No Mama!  You CANNOT have the freshly washed sheets!  They are mine, MINE I SAY!"
I finally sent The Hubby upstairs to Angel's Apartment, to persuade her to give up the laundry!  I was prepared to find alternative sheets for at least one night, since Angel seemed so very comfortable.  The Hubby, however, had no qualms about booting her from the bedding basket.

Afterward, I refilled that basket with a few of my sweaters and sweatshirts, because I felt so sorry that we'd taken away her happy place.  And, what do you think, is it time to get another basket...one with handles, for gosh sakes?!?

Taken in 2004, when Angel and Chuck were first adopted.  They enjoyed the same baskets then!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday: A Gift

Love it!
Folks, The Hubby likes to doodle.  I gave him a pad of drawing paper and pens years ago, but he'd rather use found bits of paper or cardboard, and sketch whichever cat is in the vicinity.  Many of his drawings are on sticky note paper.

This is Chili Bruce, penned on the insert from a box of green tea packets.  Sure, it's rustic, but it comes from the ❤️ , and it was a gift for me.  The Hubby says Chili Bruce has a smaller head than Manny, but I certainly cannot see any difference!  CB does have a bushier tail than Mans, and Manny has a bigger white patch on his tummy than Chili's, but noggin size is beyond my ken.

I am thankful that Da Boyz and The Hubby are such great friends, and that they inspire artsy gifts for me!  And I tell The Hubby that I think he's an artist with food too, but he won't hear of such hogwash.  He makes terrific meals, and invents new vegan dishes all of the time.  Yesterday, he made a quinoa, kale, and bean dish that was so yummy, I almost licked the bowl!  Actually, I let Da Boyz lick the bowl, but that's another story...

Let's Hop!

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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Book Review: The Trainable Cat

The Trainable Cat: A Practical Guide to Making Life Happier for You and Your Cat
by John Bradshaw and Sarah Ellis

Hardcover, 352 pages
Published September 13th 2016 by Basic Books
ISBN 0465050905 (ISBN13: 9780465050901)
Edition Language English

I've never struggled so hard to finish a book!  I purchased a paperback copy of "The Trainable Cat" over a year ago, and every time I picked it up, I got lost in the words.  I never finished it.  This time, I found the audiobook through my local library, and believed that listening to it would do the trick.

Nope.  I KNOW that cats can be 'trained', or habituated, to certain behaviors.  Coming when called by name, not fearing the veterinarian or taking medicine, and learning to live with other cats.  So, my mind was ready, willing, and able to LEARN from this book.  But, I feel that I've just spent several days beating my forehead against the desk.  "For example" and "thus" were spoken over and over and over again...I think I just got hung up on the poor writing style.  Shame on me.  No doubt, I'll try again to slog through this book at a future date, maybe when we are considering adding another new kitty for the household.  What I'd really love, would be a video, or a class I could attend where I can witness the training/habituation.


Monday, April 15, 2019

Farewell Rupert

Image used with permission
Angel Rupert
For those who remember Katnip Lounge, dear Rupert ran over The Rainbow Bridge yesterday.
Trish and Scott are very sad, so leave a comment on FB here.

Farewell, Angel Rupert!


Saturday, April 13, 2019

For Your Viewing Pleasure...

By popular request...

The One...
The Only...

The P'OM!


Flirty PO'M puzzle on TheJigsawPuzzles.com

And thank you all for the birthday wishes for The Hubby!
I took him to lunch, and we purchased new bed pillows from Ikea!
I know, I know...such excitement!


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thankful Thursday: The Hubby

Angel loves her daddy, and the feeling is mutual...

Chucky loved him too...

The Hubby napping with kittens Angel and Chuck in 2005

As wee babes, on The Hubby's lap

Chili Bruce has something to say about The Hubby's new haircut!

Tomorrow is The Hubby's birthday.  Although he's pretty much ignoring the occasion, I have taken the day off from work, to hang out with him.  Depending on the weather, we may walk, we may visit a park, we may drive to Ikea!  One thing that we will do...for sure and guaranteed...is play with Manny, Chili Bruce, Angel, The PO'M and Sweetie!  The Hubby is a catman; no two ways about it.

Happy Birthday, honey...I am very grateful and thankful to have you in my life!

And the cats are too!


Let's Hop!

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Wednesday, April 10, 2019


There are many fun cat things to find, if you are willing to look!  Here are some items that I've discovered while wandering around doing non-cat stuff...

This was sitting on a window ledge at a restaurant

Cat frame, for sale at the thrift store

Chonky cat image, at the thrift store

At the thrift store...

Now, why is this a photo of a bad cat?
For sale at the thrift store

Found, being cute!


Tuesday, April 09, 2019