Two years already?!?
Manny and Chili Bruce are so very delightful; full of charm, energy, and adorableness.
Here are images that I managed to record when standing in the pet store on December 1, 2017, as I fell in love!
I then called The Hubby, completed the paperwork, and paid the fee.
After work, I returned, and carried out two cardboard boxes full of housepanthers!
💓Manny and Chili Bruce💓
My office is closed for the Thanksgiving holiday and the Friday after, and The Hubby and I will be traveling a bit to visit relatives and work on household chores that need getting to.
Oh, and...snuggling with Da Boyz, Angel and The 'O' Cats too!
Plus, I'll be reading books while The Hubby watches football on TV.
To all who are traveling, take care; there is wicked weather afoot.