Yes, this is Sweetie, and she's inside!!! |
To make a long story long,
I've wanted to bring Sweetie inside for a long time.
We TNR'd her in 2009, and she's no spring chicken anymore.
Since Celestial Angel's apartment is still vacant, I hatched an idea to bring her into the unused space.
The Hubby agreed.
I carried her inside yesterday at dinner time, and allowed her only into a small area.
She used the litter box immediately, ate some food, and investigated the room.
She woke me a few times last night with meowing, but she settled down again after some petting and cooing.
This morning, while on a conference call, she made her voice heart loud and clear, much to the delight of my co-workers.
Sweetie is currently napping on my old sweater.
She will remain separated from Da Boyz until we get farther into this experiment, and after Sweetie has seen a veterinarian.
As for The PO'M, he appears to be nonchalant about being alone.
Trust me, the thought of breaking them up has kept this project from moving forward for awhile.
We'll see.
If either cat begins to express distress or behavioral indications that they are unhappy, we'll rethink everything.
The cat's needs are paramount in this!
The PO'M has been brought inside before, in fact several times.
He doesn't like it!
Perhaps, now that he's older and Sweetie is separated from him, he'll change his tune.
We'll be ready for that eventuality also.
In the meantime, wish us luck!
Sweetie was obviously once an owned cat, who learned to live rough.
Why not give her a cushy life in her retirement years?