Sunday, February 28, 2021

Farewell, Spitty

Image borrowed from Spitty Speaks Blog
Click on the image to visit and leave condolences.
 A good friend in the cat blogger world has left for The Rainbow Bridge.

Spitty was a character, and we were all enthralled with his single white whisker on each side of his face!

Farewell, Angel Spitty.
Hugs and purrs to your human.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

❤️Artified Eastside Cats❤️

Click on each image to play the jigsaw puzzles!
I have the Prisma app on my phone, and I often 'artify' the photos stored within, as a momentary break from the everyday mumbo jumbo.

What mood I'm in, what colors I choose, and which images are picked, are random.

I seem to artify The PO'M more than the others, with Sweetie a close second. 

However, Da Boyz are just so adorable as a pair; I am lucky to have such beauty to enjoy!

Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

Friday, February 26, 2021


Blurry Sweetie, caught giving herself a scratch!
"Dude!  Are you mooning the neighbors?!?"

 Let's Hop!
Click on the image above to visit Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & Meows!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Toe Beans!

Paddy O'Malley
Celestial Angel
Chili Bruce
Celestial Chuck
 Oh yeah, one of the best things in the world...toe beans!

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Almost Finished?


Sweetie returns to the veterinarian tomorrow, and we all hope that she won't need any more antibiotic capsules!
She's keeping her eyes on me.
When Sweetie wakes me up in the middle of the night, it's because she sees critters moving around outside.  
This is a rotten photo of what I saw this morning at 4 am; the groundhog and skunk have made trails for themselves from our neighbor's porch, over into our yard.
Don't think she isn't comfortable around here; she is!
And, this is what her kibble bowl looks like right now...I'm taking it as a sign that she's doing okay, despite our daily wrestling sessions when I push that capsule down her gullet.

 I will report on what we learn at the vet's; I think it's time that veterinarian offices have a pub attached!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


A typical morning; Da Boyz napping together.
Notice that 'someone' has their face in the blanket!
Chili Bruce is enjoying being wrapped up inside this snuggle...
...that is, until Manny decided to sit on top!
No damns were given, if you read his expression.
And then...back to typical.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Tough Guy

The PO'M likes to show that he's tough...
...and maybe a bit smug...
...but he still wants his snuggles!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Airplane Ears

Sweetie is not amused!
Selfie taken after she'd 'received' her daily antibiotic capsule!

 I artified the photo, and made a jigsaw puzzle; click on the image below to play.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit The Cat On My Head Blog!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Winter Caturday

Our hearts go out to those in the Southern USA, who continue to struggle after the frigid temps, and resulting breakdown of electricity and water systems.

Here in the Midwest, we put on our boots, wrap a scarf or two around our faces, and shovel ourselves out.

Winter can be pretty, especially when the sun sparkles off newly fallen snow.

Don't get me wrong; I will not grieve for Old Man Winter for a millisecond, once warm temps begin again.
Icicles on the house, image snapped an hour ago!
Artified with Prisma
Snow on PO'M's feeding station, artified with Prisma
Flakes on PO'M, no artification here!

Click on the images above to play jigsaw puzzles!

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess Blog!


Friday, February 19, 2021

More Cat Giggles

The absolute beauty of being owned by our feline overlords, is that they amuse us every day, and the sad stuff happens once.

Here are some giggles that I've collected from around the interwebs.


Thursday, February 18, 2021


Click on the image above to visit I Have Three Cats Blog
Image from I Have Three Cats Blog

Click on image to visit Black Cat Pottery
Image from Black Cat Pottery

We whisper "Good-bye, I love you!" and we hope and pray that they understand.

Their bodies are small compared to ours, but they fill the house, and our hearts.

Farewell Angels Josie and Ramses.

Now that you are free of your physical limitations, we weep for you because you've left us, but we rejoice that your souls are no longer constrained, and that we knew and loved you, either in the fur, or via the magic of the interwebs.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Score


After my private cat-pilling tutorial at the veterinarian's office last week, I've managed to get a capsule of antibiotic into Sweetie once daily.

It's not pretty, but the job gets done!
Sweetie: "Oh no, here she comes again!"
"Well, that wasn't too bad!"
"Maybe I'll give that lady a headbunt!"
Lady: "πŸ’žπŸ’“πŸ’žπŸ’•!!!"
Sweetie's bloodwork indicates a slight kidney issue.
We go back to the vet in a week, and we will discuss the next steps for that.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Duet and Solo


Manny and Chili Bruce mostly nap together... this...
...yet, they fly solo, on the futon...
...and on the blue chair...
...then, back together again!


Monday, February 15, 2021

Snow Bunny Paddy


The PO'M is thriving during our frigid weather.
This is what I saw as I stepped out first thing in the morning...
...and the culprit who made those tracks!
Water bucket, frozen.
I break out the ice, and refill it twice each day, so Paddy has access to fresh water.
The PO'M is sitting on my chest.
When I'm bundled up in heavy winter gear, spending time outdoors is quite delightful!
