Thursday, January 26, 2023

Cat Daddies

Had the extreme pleasure of enjoying "Cat Daddies" documentary, at Cinema Detroit.

The film, directed by Mye Hoan, introduces nine cat dads who come from all walks of life – a firefighter, a truck driver, a Hollywood stuntman, an ad executive turned cat rescuer, a police officer, a software engineer, an actor/Instagram influencer, a school teacher, and an undocumented and disabled immigrant living on the streets of New York City.

I've grabbed a few images from the Cat Daddies website:
David and Lucky
Nathan the Catlady
Josh and Tora
GoalKitty aka Keys
A wonderful film; I recommend it!

It's playing all over, and more theatres in new locations are added often.

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  1. That sounds lovely! Maybe it will turn up on some platform or other this side of the Atlantic.

    The Chans

    1. Check the website; it's playing all over the world.

  2. That sounds like a pawsome movie.
    The stars are purrfect ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Pawsome! I need to see where I can get a chance at that one, it might come to TX.

  4. I wish I could see it. I would LOVE that. My whole family would.

  5. I hope it comes to a streaming service since I won't sent foot in a movie theatre, cell phones ruined that experienc here.

  6. I could have been in that! Maybe I'll be able to see it.

  7. I'm so glad a friend invited us to a showing. We enjoyed the film at a neat little place in downtown Dayton. I'd not been to The Neon Theater in ages.

  8. I saw that was playing near me too. I think I missed it though. Bummer!

  9. Wowzers! This sounds like a terrific film. Thanks for sharing! Our human bro was a cat Dad too until Ninja went MIA. We have made him our honorary Cat Dad! Purrs Marvelous Marv


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