Thursday, January 19, 2023

National Popcorn Day

19 January is National Popcorn Day!

If you think I like cats, you should see me around a bowl of freshly popped popcorn!

Hint: you'd better get your hand out of there, or risk injury...

Enjoy some silly stuff that I've found on social media, included here only for the entertainment of our readers:

The Hubby desperately trying to keep Da Boyz from his popcorn bowl!
From December, 2017.
Celestial Angel, angling at my popcorn in December, 2015.
Won't ever make this mistake again!
Oh, heck NOoooooo!!!!
Little chonk gets a kernel!

Let's Hop!
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  1. Popcorn has never been as big in France as it is in the States, and we have never had the opportunity to taste it here at Poupounette Central. Maybe we need to file a complaint?

    The Chans

    1. We can bet that #1 has had her share of popcorn, since she spent some time in both the US and Canada, so you kitties must persuade her to treat you with some.

  2. I have only ever had popcorn once. We were in Vancouver at an IMAX cinema and everyone was buying it. We decided it must be good so bought it too. Never again!

    1. Ugh, theatre popcorn can be AWFUL! Bet you'd enjoy a handful or two or three of kettle corn, which is popped with hot oil and sugar. Delicious.

  3. We always beg for some popcorn, but then we take it and don't eat it! Enjoy.

  4. When Da Boyz first arrived, they were crazy for popcorn, enough so that they forced The Hubby away from the table! As time as gone on, they still beg for popcorn, but then don't eat the kernels that we give them.

  5. Hahaha that's funny right there! Popcorn would be fun to chase around da house.

  6. Too cute! I love that I'm not the only one who has to stand to snack becuz my kitties think everything should be shared with THEM! MOL!

  7. What a fun post ~ love popcorn ~ great photos and captions ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I wonder if there will be popcorn at my work today:)

    Of the 6 kitties that lived here with us over the years, only Groucho, the first one wanted to have at our popcorn.

  9. The only thing I was forced to stand in the middle of the room with was my eggs and bacon before work. Now mind, this was 0330 in the morning if I was on day shift. (left the house at 0430) I fed the Admiral first, then, hurried with my huge bacon and egg thing. 6 pieces of bacon and 5 eggs scrambled. That was enough protein to keep me till mid afternoon. (Atkins diet..a strict one. Lost tons of weight and had the best blood work ever).

  10. Maybe we can have some popcorn tonight, love the sweatshirt one. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. My Rudy loves popcorn, especially Smart food.

  12. Thank you for the pop corn joke, so much better than the pop culture jokes.

  13. MOL!!!!!!! He does know cats can jump...right?
    Purrs, Julie

  14. I keep hearing that tune from the '60s... "Popcorn" by Hot Butter...

  15. We missed Popcorn day!?!? Darn! Us tabbies (Jo Jo and me Marv) Kozmo is not a lover. Jo Jo has been known to try to climb into the popcorn bowl! We loved the phots! Purrs Marv


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