Thursday, April 30, 2020

New Hilarious Book by Rosa Silva!

I am thankful to be a part of author Rosa Silva's book launch team!

Visit her blog here.


Get Your Butt Off My Face
Author: Rosa Silva
Illustrator: Diana NecÈ™ulescu
Series: Crazy Cat Lady Gifts Collection (Book 2)
Paperback: 33 pages
Publisher: Independently published (April 10, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 979-8630958761
ASIN: B086Y397W2
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 0.1 x 6 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.4 ounces 

Rosa has found a way to describe the more 'interesting' moments of living with our cat overlords that will make you laugh!

Written in poems, Rosa tells it like it is, even though we don't really want to go there...

Order a copy or two; they're great gifts for your cat-loving friends!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book, for the sole intent of publishing my honest opinion.

I post about things that interest me, and that I believe will interest my readers.

Let's Hop!

Click here to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


X: extracted last week
O: missing
Adult cats have 30 teeth; Sweetie only has 4 now!
I'll do anything to get her to eat, even if I must serve her on my bed!
Cutie Sweetie!
It's over a week since Sweetie had her dental extractions.

While not altogether a smooth sail, we've managed to get her meds into her by various means...or she's had to lick some off of her fur; oops!

All medications cease by the weekend.

Sweetie enjoys being combed, and is so playful when the mood is on her!

At night, she crawls onto my torso, and we sleep quietly together.

Some of her newer nicknames:

Sweet Pea
Wee Cat


And an online jigsaw puzzle!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


A Da Boyz napping progression:

Photo 1: Da Boyz in mirror-mode
Photo 2: a little later from Photo 1, they've gone synchronized!
Photo 3: Let's cuddle!

 I won't insult your intelligence, dear reader, with pretending to name who is whom in these photos!

They are Da Boyz, and that is that!


Enjoy an online jigsaw puzzle!

Monday, April 27, 2020

O'Malley Monday

Notice The PO'Ms use of my arm for leverage

He's so handsome!

Like a baby in my lap


Friday, April 24, 2020


Today is Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop!

Celestial Chuck looks like an alien!
Can't really say what I was trying to do here with Sweetie!
The is handsome Sly, but you cannot tell!
The PO'M is silly, but I failed to capture his entire noggin!
Click here to visit Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & Meows Blog!
A more detailed update on Sweetie:

She had four teeth extracted, included both upper and lower left-side canines.

Adult cats should have 30 teeth; Sweetie now only has five!

For the first day and a half, she acted more feral than ever before, and I was unable to administer any of the meds I was given:

Oral Buprenophine: liquid pain relief
Onsior: non-steroidal pain relief
Azithromycin: liquid antibiotic
Doxycyline Monohydrate: capsule antibiotic

The Hubby and I left her alone, and didn't push hard.

Last night, she came out from under the dresser, and allowed me to pet her.

She even ate a teeny, tiny bit.

She slept a bit with me, and I got up several times last night to simply sit with her.

This morning, she has avoided food (where I've mixed in some water and meds), and again is hiding under the dresser.

However, she's got to get at least some of these meds into her system, so we may grab her, and syringe some into her mouth.

I feel like the meanest cat mom in the world, for gaining Sweetie's trust, then having her go through all of this!

On the other hand, her bloodwork results are excellent, which is a blessing.

I adore Sweetie, and she's teaching me to be PATIENT, but so far, I've been a poor student.

I adore The Hubby, who's had to scrape me off of the ceiling more than once in the last few days.

Thank you to SD, ET, and JB for your 'you can do it's online!


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Celebrate Shakespeare and World Book Days

Today we celebrate William Shakespeare, the Bard of Avon!

Here is a fun site: Talk Like Shakespeare!

He who wrote, in "The Merchant of Venice": A harmless necessary cat.

Some of his other cat quotes are rather grim...😾

Furthermore, it's World Book Day, sponsored by UNESCO!

Both holidays are celebrated today, on the anniversary of Shakespeare's death on April 23, 1616.

My refrigerator magnet, purchased from The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington DC.
My panoramic image of the The Globe Theatre, in London, from 2018.
We watched a production of "Twelfth Night".

You know that I adore cats, however I also adore reading and books!

Per my Goodreads account, I've completed 67 books this year, so far.

The day that an elementary school teacher allowed me time alone in the school library, as a reward for something, was a life-changing event!

Books of every shape, size, and color; I fell in love!

Have been a book hound ever since.

My family and friends gift me books, and visiting the library...any my way of having fun.


Today, I am thankful to that teacher, my parents, and my siblings who all encouraged my reading!


Let's Hop!

Click here to visit Brian's Home Blog!
P.S. Thanks for the well-wishes for Sweetie.

She is home, although she is hiding under the dresser, and I've been unable to give her any meds yet.

I'll report more later.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Sweetie hanging out beside our driveway.
One of the first photos of her, from May, 2009.

Sweetie spend Monday and Tuesday nights at the veterinarian's.

Because they had to redraw her blood, and needed 24-48 hours to get results, we decided to board her until her dental extractions on Wednesday.


I have vacuumed her apartment, and fixed up the litter boxes.

All of her toys are arranged in front of her favorite bed.

I hope to pick her up today, but the vet will determine how well Sweetie's gums are after the surgery, to allow her to go home or remain overnight to be monitored.

I expect a phone call this afternoon, so I'll be pacing the floor all day today.


It's the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day!

My elementary school celebrated the 1st Earth Day.
The students made a garden on the school grounds.

My point of view:
Folks around the world are seeing critters venturing out into areas they aren't always seen, as human activity is low.

You've all seen photos of Los Angeles and other big cities, without smog.

There is a lesson in all of this; Mother Nature Rules!

She can send hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, poisonous algae blooms...and illness.

MN has been pounding us over the head, telling us humans that it's time to get our collective act together, and respect her and The Earth.

This isn't about governments.

It's how each of us value our own lives, and our loved ones.

My loved ones include humans, cats, birds, worms, bees, fish...even spiders (eek!)

Leave only footprints when walking in Mother Nature's gardens.

Happy Earth Day!

A continued wish for you all to remain virus-free

To borrow a phrase from Nerissa's Life Blog:

"When in doubt, don't go out!"


Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Da Boyz snuggle!
Manny snoozing solo in the sun
Chili Bruce chillaxin'

Did you know, that when I cannot tell Manny and Chili Bruce apart, I'll try to flip the nearest cat over, so I can see the white spot on their belly?

Manny has a big one, CB's is very small.

Now, flipping over a cat isn't always easy, practical, or safe for a human to do!

But, if I pick up a cat and there is no wiggling...then it's Manny.
If the cat puts of a's CB!

Gosh, I just LURV these two...


Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday O'Malley

 The other day, we had a snow pellet storm!

Snow pellets are called graupel.

The PO'M cared not a whit, since he can tuck under the feeding station!

He barely pulled his raccoon-tail in!
*nom nom nom*
Graupel, or snow pellets
It all melted off before too long, thankfully.


Our hearts go out to Nova Scotia, Canada today.

 A gunman, now dead, killed at least 16 people in the worst mass shooting in Canada's modern history yesterday.

We mourn with you.


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Remembering the Oklahoma City Bombing 25 Years Ago

The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist truck bombing on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States on April 19, 1995.

Total number of deaths: 168
Non-fatal injuries: 680+

Image from Wikipedia, by Mark Pellegrino

25 years.

We thought it was the worst thing to ever happen.

Goes to show, we live in a world that moves at the speed of light.

Remember to make of your life what you will; you are driving your own bus!

No matter what can and will happen, it's how you respond to it that makes the difference.

The Hubby wonders why I allow Sweetie to wake me up multiple times a night.

My answer: I wouldn't have the chance to love on her...and she on me...if we were following a normal workweek.

I'll get sleep, but I want purrs, and paws making biscuits, and whisker kisses!

If we've learned anything for 25 years ago, it's this:

EVERY DAY is a precious time, and we each need to grab our delights while we can.

Peace and love to all.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

New Neighborhood Cats

You'd think that I would have eyeballed all of the neighborhood cats by now.

But you'd be wrong!

Sweet ginger kitty
Whoa, easy tiger!

Let's Hop!

Today, we are thankful for being able to work from home.

I am now on a 4-day workweek, but not at the office.

The COVID-19 numbers aren't falling yet, and imho, this is NOT the time to take our collective foot off of the gas pedal, if you'll pardon the automotive reference.

I am also thankful that The Hubby hasn't grabbed the car keys, to drive off into the sunset...

And nor have I...yet...


Click here to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Sweetie is settling in nicely.

She and I just need to come to an understanding about what time of night is appropriate to meow to wake up her human!

As requested by Ellen at 15 And Meowing Cat Blog, a jigsaw puzzle!