Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Double double

It's Twozday!
Even in their own boxes, they still have to touch.
Me: "Hey, that's my chair!"
Da Boyz: "Nope..."
Da Boyz: "I like this bag!"
Me: *head explodes from overwhelming cute*
Twin Surprise!
My nephew and wife have twin daughters, born August 26.
Welcome, Ari and Bo!

Monday, August 30, 2021

That PO'M!

It's PO'Monday!

What a goof that cat was!

Even in a more contemplative mood, he made me smile.
It's been blazing hot here, with high humidity.

Compared to folks looking down the barrel of a hurricane, our minor heat wave is nothing, and we all are praying for those who are in peril.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Grins

Hope something here gives you a smile, dear reader!

Images with no notation were grabbed at random from the interwebs.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Garden and Cat Tour

Last Saturday, I had the supreme pleasure of visiting a favorite garden of mine at the 11th Annual Summer Garden Tour at Black Cat Pottery!

Image from Facebook

I own a few pieces of her art:
Black glazed paw printed Itty Bitty Box
Platter, with lovely greens, blues, and sand colors
Black Cat Pottery items make great gifts, as my family and friends can attest.

I was very, very privileged to be able to meet her cat staff after I walked the gardens...
...and there were two more cats out of camera range as they napped under the bed.

 Very thankful to be allowed into the cat domain, as well as spending time with interesting artists, gardeners, and other cat lovers.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Disclosure: I received no compensation for this post. 
Cheryl at Black Cat Pottery is a dear friend, and I purchased the above items for my own use.
 I will only post items that I feel would be of interest to you, my readers.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Made in the shade!

It's Sweetnesday!

Sweetie enjoys laying on tissue paper...
...and sticks out her tongue when she is interrupted while in-and-out of sunshine...
...but using her human to nap against is a bonus!


We've had another report from Heaven!

"Angel Timmy Tomcat was walking up the lane and he spied Paddy O'Malley chatting with a pooch. This being an odd sight, cat with dog, dog with cat, he saddled up and introduced himself and explained how he had seen Paddy on his blog. Timmy was surprised when Pocket introduced herself as he never really talked with a pup. "My Dad's Mom and Sister had pups who endlessly barked so I never went further than the bottom of the stairs as we lived in a smaller apartment over the house. You are nothing like them." Timmy and Pad commiserated over the lung cancer and told Pocket that kitties have the same problem she had. Hearing a bit about being a bird Timmy laughed and said his brothers, Mr Buttons and Buddy Budd, knew how to walk over Dad at night. Only a step or two but that was all it took to let him know they were alright. Timmy said he got a step in and it was something to see Dad turn on his flashlight since he knew were the family was sleeping. They all agreed that this was interesting and they walked along chatting. Two cats and a dog. Imagine that!"
Angel Timmy Tomcat

Click on the image above to visit Tomcat Commentary by Tim Blog!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021



This is the story of Angels Pocket and Paddy O'Malley!
Click on the image above to read about Pocket and Paddy O'Malley at Sleep Away Camp!

If you don't already, consider visiting Small Tales Blog.

Sure, it's mostly about doggos, but we cat people love furry doggos too!

Their post from Friday last week, which you'll get to by clicking on the photo of Angel Pocket above, is just wonderful, and I thank them for it.


And now, Da Boyz!

Chili Bruce gives no damns that he's airing it out above,
while Manny naps with discretion below.
A tad blurry, but they look like hoodlums, as they gaze down upon their humans!
Note: The ceiling is often scratched at by these two rascals.

Monday, August 23, 2021

He's Home

Let's remember him like this, from a year ago...
Outside, but looking in, 
with his tongue out, like the silly boy he was.

A dear friend sent me the following:

I am very sorry about Paddy O'Malley.  He was an outside cat whom you longed to bring inside.  But he always was inside - inside your heart - and he always will be.  No matter if his is outside or in, on Earth or beyond, in your hearts is where he will always live, safe and loved.

Yes, inside our hearts is where he will always be.

Saturday, August 21, 2021


Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle!
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle!

Used my Prisma app!

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess Blog!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Book and Cat Giggles

August 9 was National Book Lover's Day.

Just a bit late, here are some book and/or cat cartoons and meme's for your enjoyment!

All images collected from social media.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

I sat on the deck...

The Hubby has removed The Cat Hotel, The Stairway to Heaven, and The Feeding Station.

I am thankful that he did this while I was unaware; I would have cried.

He's tucked it all away, ready to be used again should a new stray cat come to stay.

I sat on the deck, alone, and remembered.

Below are the first photos that I have of all of our backyard cats:

Hobo, in February 2009.
Sweetie at the top of the stairs, with her guardian Hobo, in Summer, 2009.
Sammy, April 2010.
The PO'M's photo was shown on PO'Monday's post this week.

Hobo was the trailblazer, and I am thankful for the day he wandered past our open back door.

Once we noticed his behavior, we set out food.

And so it began.

Yes, I am thankful, as these outdoor cats taught me how to love at a distance.

Then, when Paddy O'Malley showed up, we were bowled over by his friendliness!

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Good Life

Paw over eyes
(Sorry, a bit blurry)
Business in front, a party behind!
Someday, she may be a lap kitty too.
For now, she's living in the lap of luxury!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Cuckoo for Cocoa Cats!

August 17: Black Cat Appreciation Day!

Chili Bruce!
D'awww...Da Boyz!

Celebrate Black Cats!

Research says that most black cats have golden irises due to high melanin pigment content, but our three black cats have beautiful green eyes!