Saturday, August 31, 2024


It's Caturday, and Manny looks like he's terrified that he'd missed his supper while napping on top of the fridge!

Do not fear, little one.

You'd already had your meal, and your humom was just snapping pics of you since the sunlight coming in the north-facing window was tantalizing to her sense of photographic style.

You were just in the right place at the right time.

I used Lunapic's Sketch filter.
Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.

 Let's Hop!

Friday, August 30, 2024


The effects of Mercury Retrograde started July 16, and will finally drift away on September 10. 

In astrology, Mercury is the planet of communication, so when in retrograde, expect mishaps, miscommunications, and misunderstandings across communication, news, travel, and technology.

Retrograde is when a celestial body appears to be standing still then moving backward from it's usual direction.

The deepest bit occured from August 4 to August 27.
And don't worry if somehow this recent Mercury Retrograde passed you by (lucky you!), as there is another beginning November 7 to January 1, 2025!  



Wednesday, August 28, 2024

My Sweetie Ink

It's Sweetnesday!

It's not easy recording something that is not flat, so please ignore the amateurish video above.

Sweetie, wearing her tiara and reclining upon an open book, with garden flowers behind; lily-of-the-valley, lilac, Virginia bluebells, and wood poppy...with a bee.

These flowers were in the yard when she was an 'O' cat, and the tiara and book represent her indoor retirement life.

And this photo is the inspiration for my next tat.

Monday, August 26, 2024


It's PO'Monday, and we had a photo shoot in August, 2019.
Pommy's Tough Guy pose.
Of course, Pommy was in front, leaving Sweetie behind.
He was cute as he slept!
Augustus is a masculine given name meaning 'exalted' or 'venerable'.

Augustus Paddy O'Malley in August.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Bardo is the intermediate or astral state of the soul after death and before rebirth, in Tibetan Buddhism.

In the seven weeks since Celestial Sweetie left her Earthly body, we've kept her beddy, bowls, ramp, and toys in situ, and offered love and light to her spirit.

Seven weeks for this transition time, as we've given daily thanks for her journey with us, and our prayers for her soul and all souls to achieve higher rebirths as they move toward enlightenment.

Queen Sweet the First, Miss Growly Pants, Murder Mitts, and my Swee Wee.

We'll never stop loving you.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Cat Lady Tops

My newest clothing additions:
Because, I LURV housepanthers!
Because, I LURV audiobooks!
Art Tee Prints
A gift, in the memory of Celestial Sweetie.

Disclaimer: These clothing items were purchased or gifted for myself.
I only post about items that I believe others will enjoy, and for no financial gain for myself.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


It's Sweetnesday!

Taken in July, 2009, Sweetie was so shy.

Ten years later, August 2019, this happened!
Trust me, I was choked with emotion here.

A decade had passed, and Sweetie was happy to be so close to a human.

We also believe that Celestial Paddy O'Malley helped Sweetie gain her confidence; she watched him interact with us, and decided she wanted some of that for herself.

Now with Henry, we must rely on Manny and Chili Bruce to show her that their humans are okay, and were pleased when she interacted with them at the open back door as I shared in yesterday's post.

Sweetie taught us patience, didn't she?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


It's Twozday...and maybe it's going to be Threezday someday soon!
Henry decided to check out Da Boyz, who were both very polite.

She ran away to hide if the humans showed up, until I managed to sneak forward enough to snap a few images.
And here they are, snuggled together with the morning sun shining in their faces.

I believe it's Manny on the left, looking like a deer caught in the headlights!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Housepanther Appreciation

17 August is Black Cat Appreciation Day!
The housepanthers of Eastside Cats:
Celestial Sweetie
Manny and Chili Bruce...
or...Chili Bruce and Manny...
Celestial Chuck
For Caturday, I artified Chuck's image:
Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess.

Friday, August 16, 2024

On Foot

A few animal sightings while out on my walks:
King Sly
Eastern Grey Squirrel, Black Morph
A scaredy cat!
And when back home, there is a young groundhog eating the neighbor's plant, and providing entertaining for Da Boyz.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


"Faces" that I've encountered in my 'hood:
Sidewalk scrapes
Chestnut, with eyes
Two holes and a squiggle
1973 MG Midget, with googly eyes!
One never knows what you'll see, and I am thankful to have enjoyed a few smiles over time.

Let's Hop!