Tuesday, October 29, 2024

National Cat Day

February 17 (Italy, Brazil, Poland)

February 22 (Japan)

March 1 (Russia)

August 8 (Canada)

October 29 (United States)

December 1 (Sweden)

We celebrate our feline friends worldwide!

As it should be.

Be a spokeshuman for our rescued furry overlords:

Tell your local politicians to support cat-loving legislation.
Talk with your family and friends.
Volunteer at a local shelter or cat café.
Donate food, goods, or funds to those who help cats.
Henry thanks you!
Manny and Chili Bruce will thank you after they wake up...from MY chair...

Monday, October 28, 2024


 It's PO'Monday!

October, 2014

Me: "C'mon, Paddy...look at me!"

PO'M: "Nope...nope...nope!"

Me: *sigh*

Sunday, October 27, 2024

🐈‍⬛ ❤️ 🐈‍⬛ ❤️ 🐈‍⬛

October 27 is National Black Cat Day!

❤️Oooh, we LURV housepanthers❤️
Celestial Chucky
Celestial Sweetie, as an 'O' Cat
Manny, top, & Chili Bruce
We scoff at any folderol spread about black cats, knowing ours have only been wonderful, loving kitties.

So give your own housepanthers an extra smooch today, and show some love to any others that cross your path!
🐈‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛
🐈‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Friday, October 25, 2024


Aww, you guessed it!

Henry is INSIDE.

We trapped him last week, and have worked to make him comfortable in the area once called Angel's Apartment, then Sweetie's Apartment, now it all belongs to Henry.
Henry had his first veterinarian visit yesterday.

Catching him was not easy; he went full wildcat.

Once he'd cornered himself, The Hubby (in heavy gloves) pushed him into the open carrier, and zipped the door closed.

At the vet's office, it was clear that he was much too anxious, so we opted to have him sedated for a good examination.

The News:
Henry is a male cat.*
Aged 5-7 years.*
Is FIV positive.
Is neutered, with the ear tip as additional evidence.
No microchip.
Weighs 9.7 lbs.

Next steps:
Dental in two weeks.
Work on his social skills with humans.
Henry will stay in his apartment.

We are determined to give Henry every advantage that a pampered housecat could have.

If possible, will introduce him to Da Boyz some day.

Welcome, Inside Cat Henry!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


It's Sweetnesday!

Haven't had a Celestial Sweetie picfest in a bit, so for your viewing pleasure:
October, 2019
Notice the bit of Celestial Paddy O'Malley's tailio at the top?
October, 2018
Pretty eyes

October, 2017
Her signature move; that front paw up.

I started to look for pics of Outside Sweetie in October, 2020, but there were none!

That's because she'd been inside since March, and I'd started to work from home.

And by gad, I'm still working remotely...yay, me!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Far and Wide

It's Twozday!

Manny and Chili Bruce don't only take over MY chair; they get around!

On The Hubby's jacket.
On the futon.
On the ottoman for MY chair, on top of another of The Hubby's jackets.

Sometimes...well, often...when I find one sleeping apart from the other, I cannot help but think that they've had a falling out.

And I fret.

They ALWAYS prove me wrong.

Monday, October 21, 2024

A Little Behind

It's PO'Monday!

Are you ready for some Pommy 'Tocks?!?
October, 2012
Whoa, he looked HUGE!
Celestial Sammy has a wry look on his face.
October, 2013
Excellent strippage!
October, 2014
Glamorpuss pose!
Funnily enough, this time of year makes me fretful, as I consider the colder overnight temperatures on our outside cats over the years.

Seriously, I think it's why I've begun to say out loud, "I hate Winter!", when it's really the worry for me and my loved ones to stay warm and cared for.

This anxiety has been a part of our lives since 2009 or so with our first outside cat Celestial Hobo, and may have diminished a bit after Celestial Paddy left us and Celestial Sweetie was happily ensconced inside, and yet now we have Henry to consider.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Friday, October 18, 2024


Recent snaps of my 'hood boyfriends:
Niko, the clown!
My handsomes!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Wild Child

 Yesterday was National Feral Cat Day, shining a spotlight on the needs of community cats and their carers.

But what about humans are a little bit...er, um...wild?

The Hubby agrees that I am untamed!

Below is my first feral/stray/community cat, found in the parking lot at my workplace.

Named George after the security guard who informed me about the cat's presence around the building.

Friends and co-workers put out food for George on the weekends and when I was away, and we humanely trapped him after many months of trying...hey, we were novices!

Donations covered the vet bill for neutering and shots, then George was delivered to his foster home, where he became a member of the family.

Will always be thankful for P&M, my co-workers who pitched in, for the family who adopted him, and for that security guard who put my feet on an outside-cat-loving path!

Maybe the feral in me calls to the feral in them?

Let's Hop! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

TNR the SFC*!

Alley Cat Allies created National Feral Cat Day in 2001 as a call to action to raise awareness about community cats (also called feral or stray cats), promote Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), and empower the millions of compassionate people around the United States who care about cats and kittens to drive change on their behalf.

*Stray or Feral or Community cats

We ❤️ feral cats!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Pillow & Blanket

It's Twozday!

Da Boyz don't always take over MY chair.

The old office chair has become a favorite.
Often it's difficult to figure out where one cat ends and the other begins.

They are a pillow and a blanket to each other.

Monday, October 14, 2024