Monday, January 31, 2022

Purring PO'M

It's PO'Monday!

Paddy O'Malley: a round mound of purring love!

Winter videos that captured his rumbling purr.


Please let me know in comments if you are having problems with my videos; thanks!

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Tuxedo Appreciation Day

January 29th is Tuxedo Appreciation Day!

Sponsored by Stunning Keisha 

💗Happy 16th Gotachaversary, CK!💗

Sammy, tuxedo feral cat
Artified by Prisma
Click on the image above the enjoy an online jigsaw puzzle!
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

Friday, January 28, 2022


 Evidence of outside cats from this morning!
This image is taken from Sweetie's upstairs apartment window.
The cats go from under the neighbor's deck at the top of the photo, to our sump pump discharge puddle, then into our yard.
More tracks to and from the alley out back.
The sidewalk is a virtual pawprint highway!
Walkway in front of our house.
Although there are tracks, we do not often see the critters!

Are they stray cats, owned but outside cats, or feral?  Dunno yet!

I put out fresh water every morning, and will leave kibble if I see a cat in the area.

The draw is strong to the sump pump puddle, yet no one is yet making a habit of enjoying the kibble.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Coming Soon to a Bookshelf Near Me!

Folks, I am chuffed that several of my favorite authors have new books coming out this year!

  • Kelley Armstrong, "The Deepest of Secrets", Book #7 in her Rockton series, out 2/15/22
  • Elly Griffiths, "The Locked Room", Book #14 in her Ruth Galloway series, out 6/28/22 (in UK)
  • Laurie R. King, untitled stand alone, out in 2022
  • Robert Galbraith, "The Ink Black Heart", Book #6 of his Cormoran Strike series, out in 2022 
  • Richard Osman, untitled, Book #3 of his Thursday Murder Club series, out 9/15/22 (in UK)
  • Nick Louth, "The Body Beneath the Willows", Book #9 of his Craig Gillard series, out 1/27/22 (in UK)
  • Anthony Horowitz, "The Twist of the Knife", Book #4 of his Hawthorne & Horowitz series, out 8/18/22 (in UK).
And the other 498 books on my TBR list...

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Wednesday, January 26, 2022


It's Sweetnesday!
A lady of leisure...
...napping upon her human...
...even her tailio is relaxed!
I spend quite a few minutes every day smooching her wee noggin.

We marvel that after the decade-plus that she spent outside, Sweetie has simply taken to being inside with nary a meow.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Aww, C'mon!

These two...

Always so cute, I'm constantly running off to grab my phone to snap photos!

Turn the cute dial down a bit, eh Boyz?
 Or I must make sure I'm always wearing clothes that have a pocket, so my phone is at hand.

It's Twozday!

Monday, January 24, 2022

In Memorium

Farewell, Angel Aila; we hope to see you in the revontulet.
Click on the image above to leave condolences at Catio Tales Blog.
Celestial Angel: 7/18/04-1/24/20
Two years ago, she needed to leave her damaged body.
We'll furever miss you, Bunny Girl.

And it's still PO'Monday:
This image taken on the same day as Angel's photo above.
What an attitude Paddy had!



Saturday, January 22, 2022

Answer Your Cat's Questions Day


Manny: Why can't I be on the kitchen counters?
Answer: It's unhygienic, you lick all of the plates, and leave cat hairs!

Chili Bruce: Why won't you allow me to eat my meal AND Manny's too?
Answer: You'll be too fat, and Manny will be too skinny!

Sweetie: Why do I constantly hear voices when you are around?
Answer: My co-workers talk to me through the audio on my computer, but they enjoy hearing you sing the song of your people!

Click on the image of Sweetie being angry at hearing voices to enjoy an online jigsaw puzzle!
For Caturday art, I used my Prisma app, using "Chess"

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

A Step Into The Future

I began my new job this week.

This Maneki-Neko sits on my desk; it has brought me luck!
A gift from Boss #1 from Japan.

The story:

Boss #1: Hired me in 2011 as executive administrative assistant, then he took another position in the company.

Boss #2: Great boss; he also took another position with another division.

Boss #3: During pandemic, my job title was eliminated, however Boss #4 offered me a position on the sales team.  I took it.

Boss #2, as a Corporate Global President now: "I need you, will you come work for me again?"

To Boss #4: "I must go!"

Being back in the swing of the executive team is delightful, and I've just begun to dip my toe into those waters.

I may drive to the office once a week for awhile, and The Eastside Cats will NOT have me for their human cat bed every single day.

But, keeping them in cat food is most impawtant, no?

Let's hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Evolution of a Stretch

Cats seem to be lazy little things, but just watching them doze makes humans transform into blobs of goo!

For instance, here is sequential photos of Sweetie stretching in her sleep.
A close-up of those murder mitts extended!
Yes, a blog of goo, despite the claw action. 

Today's Sweetnesday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Snoozy Snoopervisor

It's Twozday, or rather, maybe 1-1/2's day?

Of course, I wouldn't dream of denying you all an image of Da Boyz being absolutely adorable as they wrapped their paws around each other, in the Winter sunshine!
However, Manny is a snoopervisor when someone's...*cough cough, me, cough* came a huge box!
Manny: "Mama, what's this?!?"
Manny: "Let's see if I can bite this to get it open!"

Monday, January 17, 2022

We Had Our Love To Keep Us Warm

It's PO'Monday!

January is the coldest month on average in Michigan, yet we go through huge snow storms, then sunshine and melting, back to below freezing and grey skies for days on end.

Nothing stopped me from hanging out with Paddy O'Malley, nor he with me.

These images are from January, 2019.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Cat Eyes

It's Caturday!
Pete and Repeat!
Click on the image above to enjoy an online jigsaw puzzle!
The Look of Love
Click on the image above to enjoy an online jigsaw puzzle of artified Sweetie!

 Enjoying my phone Prisma app, but don't recall which selections I used for today's images.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess Blog!

Friday, January 14, 2022

National Dress Up Your Pet Day!

January 14 is National Dress Up Your Pet Day!

And since we missed Sweetnesday this week, I persuaded Sweetie into an adorable tie-dye t-shirt!

These photos don't do her justice: she is a cute as a bunny!
No harm came to anyone, except to her pride...and several snags in my sweater.

Just because the same kitty woke me at 4:00 am this morning, and patted my lips with her murder mitts, have no bearing on today's photo shoot!

Nope, no retaliation intended.


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Dear Friends

 Am I lucky to have friends who loan me their, um, of their cats?


Am thankful for each one, so here is a list from yesterday's "Kiss A Ginger" post, with a short history of my dear friends:

Eric, who owns ET in British Columbia, Canada.
Eric's brofur, Angel Sparky, left us not long ago; they were a matched set!
I met ET on FB as we are cat people who love art, and the silliest memes available. 
We have plans to travel around the world together, when the world stops wanting to kill us.
Mango, Rusty, Skittles, and Sassy boss around P&M in Florida.
I met P&M when a stray cat was found in the office parking lot, and they volunteered to care for him on the weekends.
With their guidance and help, we trapped George, vetted him, and he lived out his life with a wonderful family.
P&M and I forged an unbreakable bond.

Rufus, one of six cats who are muses to an artist, and is the only cat on this post whom I've met (and petted, thankyouverymuch!)
CE is smart, talented, and is unafraid to show it.
Not only do I enjoy her company, her art, and her cats, but as a Master Gardener, she is helping me to transform Eastside Cats' yard into a Native Plant oasis for birds, bees, bugs, bats, and butterflies!
Click on the photo of Rufus above to visit her Black Cat Pottery website.  CE lives about 30 minutes away from us, in Detroit, Michigan.

Eddie, the love of RB's life, in Manchester, U.K.
Every day, Eddie discovers a new place to climb, a lap to snuggle in, or a TV program to enjoy with her human.
I met RB via ET (Eric's human above), and although in severely different time zones, we talk cat, sports, films, and Monty Python skits.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!