Friday, June 30, 2023

In The Frame

29 June was National Camera Day.

We owned no camera whe Celestial Angel and Chuck came into our lives, therefore I borrowed the office digital camera, with floppy disks.

This is what that office camera looked like...
...taking one of our first images of Angel, on 30 August, 2004.

Within a few years, we'd purchased a Canon camera, on professional photographer's recommendation.
This is what our old camera looked like...
...and it was passably good at taking photos, of Angel in September, 2006.

For the past decade, I have had a company phone, which is upgraded every two years.  
An image of my current iPhone, nabbed from the interwebs...
...from my then iPhone 5, Angel in September, 2015.
I enjoy photography, and strive to take clean, clear images.

It's astounding, however, how often the pic comes out blurred or pixelated; the tiny image on the screen looks so different when on my laptop.

Can take dozens of photos of the same cat, flower, or whatever, hoping one of them is good enough.

Luckily, the duds are easily deleted.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


It's Sweetnesday, and do we have a treat for you!

Sweetie is showing off her newest hats.
In a bonnie tartan tammy
"Shall I make biscuits for you?"
French beret, oui oui!
Cool as a cucumber, in shades.

More hats to come; stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Boxed Up

It's Twozday!

Recently, I'd purchased so many cans of cat food, that the store gave us a box to haul it all away in.

Of course, a new box in the house, attracts Da Boyz.
Chili Bruce
Funny how they didn't share it; it's plenty big enough for two.

Guess it's a time-share box.

Both contributed to ripping the edges with their teeth; wee bits of cardboard are everywhere, as a kind of performance art.


Some might wonder how I can tell which cat is which in these images, but it's easy: Manny has a tiny white spot above his lip, sorta like the reverse of Marilyn Monroe's beauty mark.

Monday, June 26, 2023


It's PO'Monday!

June, 2014: Celestial Paddy's strategies for hiding from the hot summer sun:
Lay around on the deck.
Hide in the garden.
Fall asleep on the food station awning.
Image taken through the screened back door.
The awning was an old folding card table, and The PO'M's bulk left a permanent dip!

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Yup, This is Me

Yes, this is me.
Again, yep...
Hoo boy, don't get me started!
And it's on the wrong track too.
It's so disappointing!


Friday, June 23, 2023

Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival, 22-24 June, 2023 is celebrated internationally, but mostly on Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau.  The sporting version is also popular in USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
As we have no Dragon Boat images of our own, here are some dragon cartoons for your enjoyment!

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Gone Native

June 19-25, 2023 is National Pollinator Week; an annual event to support pollinator health.

We've been planting native-to-Michigan species in our gardens for years, but we are always surprised by what we find...
Like a black cat, and it's not one of ours.
Wild Geranium
Mystery plant; my plan says I put a Buttonbush here, but this is NOT a buttonbush!
Update: It's a Red-Berried Elder.
Penstemon, love the delicate colors...
Am grateful that we have the means to dig up the yard, good guidance in what to plant from our friend CE, and as a lazy gardener, new plants are watered in, then they are on their own.

Let's Hop!
Click above to visit!

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


21 June, 2023, is the Summer Solstice.

Most of us won't be hanging 'round famous ancient solar-tracking landmarks today, so here's a selection of Stonehenge spoofs for your amusement.
Mouse Henge
Dog Treat Henge
Scone Henge
Manhole Brick Henge

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

International Box Day

19 June is International Box Day!

A day late, but...

International Box Day highlights the environmental benefits of cardboard boxes: cardboard is a recyclable and biodegradable material, making it an eco-friendly alternative to plastic packaging. 

By celebrating boxes, we encourage sustainable practices and promote the reuse and recycling of these versatile containers.

And most cats LURV boxes!

Monday, June 19, 2023

...and My Foot...

It's PO'Monday!

A small selection of terrific Celestial Paddy O'Malley pics...that have my foot in them.
Am always putting my foot in it...